List your latest 3 CDs...

my latest to are christ illusion by slayer and load from metallica. i dont have a third cuz i bought about 8 together in phuket.

Slayer - Christ Illusion

Metallica - Load
damn...i cnt post the pics up..

bought Marilyn Manson's Mechanical Animals and Audioslave's Revelations...2 CDs in the course in 3 weeks :( i'm poor
SherT said:

Backspace - The Lavender Room EP
(Excellent indie tunes with melancholic vocal sensibilities and broad, airy instrumentals. Highly reccomended. It'd be interesting to see how far these guys can go in time to come. 8) )

You might like to try Leftover. Quite similar vibes...
InfernoxDeath said:
Deicide is a must buy for all metal fans... especially those who are into death metal.

i believe that if you are into good guitar playing, you'll benefit from the latest Deicide release...
subversion said:

that Watain release is one of my all-time fav. if you like something parallel to that, Merrimack is recommended...

thanks man for the recommendation.

now i'm enjoying
Tod - Black Metal Manifesto
It's been quite some time since I posted here...

Here's some new stuffs that I got recently:

My Chemical Romance - The Black Parade
Trivium - The Crusade
Sleepytime Gorilla Museum - Grand opening and closing
Estradasphere - Palace of mirrors
The Unexpect - In a flesh aquarium

You haven't crazy music until you hear The Unexpect....hail to The End Records.
why are people finally succumbing and buying MCR records? no offence,but with this Black Parade album,people seem to like there a change or something in their music?
AEnimic said:
why are people finally succumbing and buying MCR records? no offence,but with this Black Parade album,people seem to like there a change or something in their music?

I don't know about the rest of the people here, but I've been listening to MCR ever since their debut first came out under Eyeball Records in 2002. 3 Cheers was a brilliant record, and that was the release that shot them to stardom...not to mention their brilliant live show. I had the chance to see them play twice in the US. They're one of the best live bands around.

Anyway, it's just natural for me to pick up The Black Parade. The first few spins didn't impress me that much, though....
naglfar said:
AEnimic said:
why are people finally succumbing and buying MCR records? no offence,but with this Black Parade album,people seem to like there a change or something in their music?

I don't know about the rest of the people here, but I've been listening to MCR ever since their debut first came out under Eyeball Records in 2002. 3 Cheers was a brilliant record, and that was the release that shot them to stardom...not to mention their brilliant live show. I had the chance to see them play twice in the US. They're one of the best live bands around.

Anyway, it's just natural for me to pick up The Black Parade. The first few spins didn't impress me that much, though....

ok man,sorry for getting the wrong idea...but yes,i am not a big fan of MCR :) sorry
Freeko said:
Continuum - John Mayer
Once Again - John Legend

Woot. Got John Mayer's Continuum.... too. solid stuff man!

John Mayer - Continuum
Lostprphets - Liberation Transmission
Mae - The Everglow
AEnimic said:
naglfar said:
AEnimic said:
why are people finally succumbing and buying MCR records? no offence,but with this Black Parade album,people seem to like there a change or something in their music?

I don't know about the rest of the people here, but I've been listening to MCR ever since their debut first came out under Eyeball Records in 2002. 3 Cheers was a brilliant record, and that was the release that shot them to stardom...not to mention their brilliant live show. I had the chance to see them play twice in the US. They're one of the best live bands around.

Anyway, it's just natural for me to pick up The Black Parade. The first few spins didn't impress me that much, though....

ok man,sorry for getting the wrong idea...but yes,i am not a big fan of MCR :) sorry

No problem man bro :wink: