LIME Music CD - Calling all Indie bands!

Slathe and Blackstar
Please contact me soon to sign the release form.
2 days left till deadline so please contact me soon aite?

94509294. SMS me by today can?
This is urgent:

Can anybody who knows anyone from BLACKSTAR please do me a favour and get the person who contacted me to SMS me as soon as possible to meet up to sign the release form by today?

Thanks :)

This is urgent.
just got my copy today.
it's a pretty decent cd i'd say, it's a steal for $3.

just realised that there's the word 'ronin' in 'astRONINja'
"The local "papetarazzi" (however u spell it) section is funny, wonder if its true? Hahaa."

LOL yeah that part was funny. But i didn't write it. I just transcribed it from a 'secret source' :) So whether she or HE is lying, it's just rumours :)

Thanks for your support on the CD so far. BRUTAL!! If u read the short feature on all the 30 bands I actually spelt the word 'Nabe1 Lah" but clumped it together so it wouldn't be censored heh

Spread da love guys. Hope it keeps your iPod's playing for months to come :) Till the next compilation anyway!