LIME Music CD - Calling all Indie bands!

Well maybe because I was wearing slippers and he was wearing high boots :) But he was defiinitely taller than me at that point in time :) Or maybe I lied about my height! hahaha ok kidding. But yeah, definitely taller than me.
i used to think emo was like being stupid act gangster u know what i mean? after i heard emo was emotional thinks changed cause all my dumb friends still think emo is like keeping ur profile low
Are there many entries coming in? I'll be surprised if there isn't, considering it's a great way for bands to be heard..
Yup there are many entries coming in.

Sorry guys if I haven't replied to all your emails. I will by next week, but I've read all of them. Just that I'm battling with deadlines for this month :)

The bands have not yet been selected of course. :) Quite a lot of pop/rock and alternative bands along with some underground metal and acoustic stuff.

Keep sending them stuff in and I'll get back to all of us ASAP, promise :) Thanks!

Haha! I wish there was a CD compilation for every month but no, only for March for now. And depending on how well the issue manages to sell, maybe another one somewhere down the year.

But we are have something planned up the sleeves to show even more support for local music. I can't announce it just yet unless I want my ass handed to me on a silver platter by management but will be able to tell soon :)
Glad to see that the local media is slowly showing interest in the local music scene. Or is it due to some astroninja getting a job in Lime? :P
Wadeva it is.. let's hope this effort by Lime will be well received and local bands can finally get the attention they deserve.
Guys, make sure you buy the March issue and get all your friends to buy! (Then don't buy April. So LIME will be forced to do this sort of thing more)
haha! that would probably work. A huge increase in sales for March! Well that probably means that you need Great Spy, Caracal and Plainsunset on that CD so they can get ALL their fans to buy it. Darn, there goes S.P.O.N.G.E's hopes of getting in... haha
Actually that'd be a great idea :)

Although I work for LIME, how well the magazine sells isn't determined by me. I just do the writing for the stories.

But if the sales WERE to bump up for the month we did the CD, the sales figures would reflect back up to management and they might be even more keen to explore the idea.

It's a mix of new-school and old-school thinking for some people and hopefully with us trying for this new direction (to support local music more) the masses will support and show those a bit more hesitant and cautious that it can be done and that there is a market to cater to that hasn't been fully explored yet