Like super-bright blue LEDs on your pedals? An interesting read


New member
Blue LEDs: A health hazard?

Not so cool anymore eh?

I used to love super bright LEDs. Now I don't cos they really are getting annoyingly bright. I like the ones they use on Barber, Lovepedals. I think they are the best. Not too bright, super easy to tell they are on.
Now that you mention it, I realise that a lot of my stuff has blue LEDs.
Ranging from the on/off indicator on my speakers, to the computer, and boy is that bright blue LED on my TOD blinding or what. Tweaking it on a dark stage leaves me half blinded. (:
just put a bigger value resistor across the thing, it will be dimmer. For redundant purpose, put a 20k pot(or bigger value) with 4.7k resisor in series, can function as a dim control for led brightness also.

heh, on separate note, japan started putting blue leds in their train stations a while back to prevent suicide. Imagine the blue-ness instead of preventing suicide, actually blinding people and make them fell on track
hehe, affect tone not, but it will have psychological effect on male geetarers in the way like when their partner started losing interest in having "ahem" with them, they might think their member size getting smaller, thus not able to make their partner/partners happy causing their partners not wanting to ahem with them.

oh well, in reality, just in case if really anyone believe so, it wont/should not be. Coz the path for the leds to indicate effect activation is/should be separated from the audio processing path.

The only time where i have heard and seen led bleeding into audio path is with multiple blinking led, when use for indicating purpose in effect pedals. I have one pedal with blinking led. The blinking action somehow will bleed into the audio path and make hiss/hum amplified thru amp, pulsate in time with the led when changing colours..

How's this for psychological effect?

Anyways my computer casing has tons of blue led fans. Really annoying then i try to switch off the lights and watch some movies from the comfort of my bed.

How's this for psychological effect?

Anyways my computer casing has tons of blue led fans. Really annoying then i try to switch off the lights and watch some movies from the comfort of my bed.

Hahahah thats terrible man!

If that article is true, I don't think these kinda stuff should be taken lightly!
not as trippy as this below...

hehe, geetarers in here too serious.. The amount of time we spend with the gear, is not going to hurt us. And most importantly, we can focus our sight, away from the blue led. There are other dangerous things around us, then to worry bout blue led causing damage

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