Lights Out INC. presents OVERDRIVE! @ Music Garage

Yesterday's gig was a success thanks to everyone who came down to support ! Half down, Half more to go ! for those who came down for the gig last saturday , if you wanna come down for the metal part the coming sat , just present your tix with the white sticker on it and get in for just 4 bucks !

Thank you !!
Morning dude, may I know when/what issue of Lime Mag will this gig be featured??? Also who's the photographer, may we ask some copies of TnT band? Thanks alot.
hey bro ! its the LIVE! Mag not the LIME mag. haha. anyway , the writer hasn't replied me on anything yet . so it'll take some time.

And for the pictures , i'll upload em on my myspace as long as i receive them from my photographer . Thanks !
haha, Roadkill had a blast today. would like to thank the organizer for holding a great gig and mostly the guys who attended the gig. you gave us the best gig we had so far. btw, was there any photographer taking photos? if there was, any way i can get a hold of the pics? thanks:D
Hey pretty much just like what roadkill said, Heidon appreciate the gig and the people that were there to watch us!


Dominic - Heidon
wah tired siol..
thanks to LTTE for wasting their time to watch
SOM, zaganoth, DWMJ were the bands i managed to catch and they were all dam kickass..:)

btw the amp there like dying leh, almost all the bands end up with muddy guitar tone.. :(

wah sian.. SOM's song stuck in my head..
Seksa... SEKSA KUBUR!!!
If it weren't for all you kick-ass bands , this wouldn't have been possible. I had a real good time in there. Banging and moshing while handling admin stuffs. I'd like to personally thank everyone who made OVERDRIVE a totally successful gig. And i'd like to pass my sincere apologies to Shadows of Miasma , who managed to only play 4 songs as their time was stolen by bands who overshot. I feel really really bad. THANKS AGAIN TO EVERYONE.

If anyone of the bands are interested in performing for us again , please inform me. Next one coming up end of feb !

Thanks everyone.
on behalf of the last band iridium.. i like to thanks the organiser light out inc. for giving us a chance to perform n also the one who watch us today.... u guys are great man!!! we really enjoyed today... thanks again...