level 42 mark king tone .


New member
hey guys ,

Any ideal how to get a close mark king tone ? BTW i am running a EBMM stingray into my shuttle 6.0 thru a 4x10 cab.

mark king tone?

u are using a musicman?

first lets see what mark king uses...

status king bass, with 2 soapbar pick ups, 32' scale with light roundwound steel strings .30, .50,.70,.90.

status king bass is 18v for greater headroom.

with your musicman, use eq to 'thin' out your tone as MM tone is beefy.
use light strings like mark king uses.
eq set to 'V' or smiling face....mid dip, high lows & high treble.

and...got to get that slapping technique up to form...

oh...the most important aspect to mark kings' sound....that Mike Lindup left hand bass keyboard bottom end that doubles his thin snappy tone.....or you could use an octave effect...

the kingbass is goes to an ashdown amp...
or u cud try buying my old Phil Chen bass - kinda gives a "Mark King"-ish tone at a fraction of the costs ....
mark king actually owned a musicman before. just not sure which one. and he also uses alembics. he had some serious sick tone going on anyway. whichever bass he used

but i think it would be more impressive to be able to play like mark king rather than to have his tone