blackductape: Nono. I wasn't talkin about DMAT's competitiveness. I was talking about mass comm. Ok it's a broad course which covers over alot of stuffs. So you have more choices for your careers in future. But what my point is, regardless of that fact, there's MANY more people who are mass commers or are graduands from that course which means to say, you might have a tough time gettin jobs anyway.
It's like saying DMAT offers 10jobs(small market). But mass comm offering 60jobs. but DMAT students make up only 15people but masscommers make up like 150 students. Now, which group would have a harder time? Ok I don't know if you get my point. What I'm saying is, really think through your final options before appealing. Yup. All the best!
strats: Oh great! Do tell me how it goes k?