Les paul shaped guitars..


New member
I'm looking for guitars that is shaped like the lespaul...that's why i'm interested in the ESP/LTD EC series... the thing is do you guys know of any other brand that has a similiar shaped guitar with an average price tag?? thanks guys..
The most realistic choice would be the Craftsman Les Paul sold in Luthers or most commonly at Citymusic. Suits your scenario perfectly, price and motive-wise.. =)
average would be $1k-1.5k... humbucker... good tone for metal music.. i like the LTD.. EC-200QM model but davis has no stock.. any idea at all where else i can find it?? or any other guitar model i should look out for besides the mentioned above??
if the Anniversary LTD EC is still available @ Davis, you should check it out:


if you are keen on the ESP/ LTD brand name, do wait for new stock in about 2 weeks' time.

other recommendation:

Edwards E-LP-85CD
I heard with 1.5K you can get a Tokai LS75/80.

With that much of budget you basically can get quite alot of decent stuff..
1.5k is a healthy budget..


Schechters are also really good but they're double cut so you may or may not like it.

You might also want to load them up with EMG's..
Check the fretjob on the Schechters... a big no no to me but maybe its cool to you... the frets are dressed away too low and the fret side-profile is like a trapezium.
where are Schechters made ??? who plays them and are they popular???

+how the heck do u pronounce the name?? its been killin me
AzNjT said:
+how the heck do u pronounce the name?? its been killin me

i pronounce it as (shack-ter)

i have friends who pronounce it as (shee-ter) or (check-ter) :?

correct me if i'm wrong :D