Left wrist hurts while playing

Hi All,

I am trying to concentrate on my wrist while playing and not bend it too much. Keeping the neck quite high too. Seems to work. Feels much better now although after some time I do rest my wrists a bit.

Thanks a lot to everyone who helped!

STOP playing for awhile.. Rest ur hand and do not Strain it or something..

i hurt my left hand awhile ago and I continued playing. till i couldnt bend notes.. so you might just wanna Rest that Lil hand first..
Glad you are feeling better. No, it doesn't sound sound like carpel tunnel syndrome. Probably just strain from repetitive stress. And it's a good idea to stop playing for a while as some already suggested. You don't want to keep stressing your muscles and tendons. Since you said you are new to guitar playing, I would strongly suggest getting a groomed guitarist to have a look at your playing and correct your technique. It's easier to correct when one sees you play. Hard to know that through a forum! Sometimes, one session like that can do wonders for your playing in many years to come!
Hi Cheez,

Yeah, I did show these friends of mine and they were very helpful. But they didn't really find anything wrong with my wrist and holding the guitar. They were also of the view that since I am new the wrist is not used to being bent a bit and working with the fingers and hand moving on the neck with restrictive movements (atleast at this stage..its restrictive for me and it doesn't go so smoothly :D).

So their suggestion was also to just take it easy and when it hurts just rest..you dont want to be satriani tomorrow, do you? LOL....

Thanks to everyone who helped me with their valuable suggestion.
