Learn to cycle without hands...


New member
Cycling lessons for those who want to try to cycle without hands to impress others or for some other reasons.....a sense of achievement...etc
I will teach the fundamentals of the skill and techniques to turn left and right without both hands:)

Contact me at j7a7c@hotmail.com or 94861699 or pm me...thanks!

Quite interesting to see this. I for one had no problems doing no hand biking when I was a kid. I was not even using my own bike. Only rental bikes and cycling in a sort of cycling area. Can turn left and right with ease. I did kiss the pavement for maybe a copule of times. But when your a kid, your invinsible.

I have not been in a bike for 13 yrs. lol. Am I still that fearless to even try? Would you provide safety gear of your lessons? hehe
Waah this thread simply brings back old font memories when i showed off my freehand cycling to my childhood buddies...

It doesn't work on all the bikes but mountain bikes are the easiest. Theres simply no tricks here... Just simply let go of ur hand and keep a straight posture. When u feel like falling off, grab the handlebar...

Its like learning how to balance a bike. All u need is a trained center of balance.
Cycling lessons for those who want to try to cycle without hands to impress others or for some other reasons.....

how to impress someone when you hit the floor and break all your teeth..

anyone have insurance?? haha
waaah i didnt know this can be taught! nyek, i already know how to do this. bikes with hard to turn handlebars are easier.