

New member
hey guys, got a qn here, like when u are playing in a studio wif 2 guitarists and u are about to play ur solo, how do u all make sure ur solos can be heard, do u increase ur volume a little or something?
increasing volumes way too much's gonna make people pissed off... thats where your equipment comes in... you either set your guitar to play a bright tone to cut through all the other sounds... a warm tone would seperate you form the rest... either that or put your volume to 1 or two higher... i might be wrong though... maybe the other veterans here can tell you more...
I think that's where ur pedals come in... u can use ur distortion pedal to cut in or as a boost... haha... just my 2 cents
hmm, switch pickup, i usually lower the pickup height of mi bridge pickup, so dat mi neck pickup is louder, so i can juz flick the switch juz b4 solo
If you switch pup, then you are limited to only 1 sound for your solos.

You can do a volume boost, not too much... just enough to be heard easily. Not need to be heard above the rest of the band, if you know what I mean. You can get an MXR Microamp for volume boost purposes... or get an eq pedal.

Changing your tone is also fine, provided you like your rhythm tone AND lead tone. I know I like to have 1 basic tone thru out.
I second the MXR Microamp for boost recommendation. It really makes your solos jump right out the front of the band, and you can turn it off later after you're done so you don't drown out the rest of the guys.
dhalif said:
my ds-1 always cuts through nicely...
i agree! *though i use a boss odb-3 instead :D generally, u could just get a pedal as a vol boost, so that when u solo, u just stomp and ta da, everyone hears u, just be sure not to boost too much x.x
*fruitwine recalls the egoistic guitarist who ruined a perfectly good song and spoiled the music of a band*
zaRa i hope that ur band not playing too loud..
coz if it is ...then boosting or watever pedal cant help..

normally i use boss eq to boost the vol and at the same time add or cut some freq that i dont like..it depends..

there are instance where u need not boost for solo ..
for eg a ballad song..the dist tone shld be able to cut..
gd luck experimenting..hope u make it