le cubebase software


New member
hi, does anyone knows how to use this recording software. like when u record a couple individual tracks in a "project" and merge all of them into a final track like mp3 format or wave form.
i believe its called Cubase, bro :)

Assuming that you've already recorded separate tracks in a new 'project' already...

You should be asking on how to "render" the track/s to a wave file..right?

Select the time frame on your single/multiple tracks together, then go to the file menu and search for 'render' (should be...as i remembered heh)

The resultant file will be a big ass 'song name.wav' file.

You can then use after-market mp3 encoding programs to convert the wave file to a compressed mp3 file.

Depending on which version of Cubase you have, it should be basically the same on the rendering functions.

If in doubt, always press F1, Ctrl-F and type 'Render'. :wink:

Hope this helps.