Latest Discussions@S.O.F.T. Forum


New member
I tink the Forum section can make it longer than the Ads section since people are contributing more at the latter. maybe can make it double than the current size for the convenience of fellow users.
sori not the latter..i got it wrong..people r contributing more at the forum so y not make it longer and the ads section shorter..
I think what rockito is saying is that because of the high volume of forum posts within a day, the earlier post get filtered off the front page. Sometimes, posts made a few hours ago gets filtered off. So an active thread can easily become inactive - unless one goes to the forum link and search through each topic to look for the latest entry. That seems time consuming and a little troublesome.

However, increasing the forum section on the front page may not be a solution either - makes the index page too long and tiring to go through, especially for first time visitors.

My suggestion: why not have a small link to view all the active threads posted within one day. We can keep the front page short. One click and the list of all the threads entered during the day appears in another window. Easier for forumers to search for active threads to post.
Personally I find it a bit troublesome to go from forum to forum looking for interesting things - form Koptiam to How to Guitar, to People- Guitar, to Gear- guitar.... I'd prefer it if all guitar stuff was in one forum.
Like that, you'll need to re-align the theme of the webby. I think the webby is to the good of music in general, not suppose to be slanted to guitarist in general. But there is more guitarist due to the nature of population in general.

Its grossly in-proportional in accordance to the bassist, keyboardist, percussionist, vocalist.....etc. in general.

We must be fair.
Cheez said:
My suggestion: why not have a small link to view all the active threads posted within one day..

hi cheez, this could be the solution. let me see how to do it. in case i forgot, please remind me ok. hee.hee..
yeah cheez..thanks for understanding me..yeah dat will do oso..that's the view all the active threads on dat day without missing any.. :P i'll remind u, james :smt064

but this is by far one of the most active forums on the singapore music scene. i would think that it would be a good improvement :)