La-Salle SIA admissions


New member
has any1 went for the interview+auditions for any music programmes at la-salle? may i noe some of ur experiences(things u were asked to play, how it went)?
i went for the music technology auditions for July's intake and i did not make it thru....

basically for me they would ask u to prepare a piece and either you could bring ur instrument to play or record it on a CD for them to hear and u'll have to do a written test which consist of half theory and half general knowledge questions....

my advice is when they ask u "how did come about composing this piece?" don't act smart and say , "oh one day i was playing my instrument and suddenly my mind ran wild and afterwards , i came up wif this song,"

because by saying that , the lecturers would dismiss it as mere "Improvisation" instead of a real piece....

I guess that was my downfall....
thks man, reallie need it, am ultra nervous, cuz my theory aint so gd..non existent i wud say, u'll hav to compose a piece? or can i juz do scale runs n play frm songs...will they giv u a piece to play?
just a piece of your choice , i'm not sure whether it has be an original composition but i suggest don't do scale runs , doing something more creative....

Good Luck Bro 8)

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