okay i'm back from the audition. all the music faculty applicants take the same test, regardless of the course. here's how it happens
first stage, is 2 theory papers. 1st (aural), the lecturer plays intervals on a piano and you have to identify whether its major 4th or minor or diminish etc. Then he plays a short 4 bars passage and you have to transcribe it. Lastly, its identifying again, he plays a chord, and you have to identify whether its major or minor AND also which inversion.
2nd one (theory), you are given a chord progression and you have to write a 16 bar melody (no instrument).
Lastly, write a short essay on "a musical experience which excited you in the last 12 months".
Audition is as you would expect. Look for my earlier posts for the requirements. Its a open audtion, meaning its not 1 to 1. Everybody gathers in the same room.
Sadly, I did not make it. The standard which they were looking for were far beyond what I expected. I only wrote 2 short piano pieces. Those that made it in wrote full multi-voice arrangements. One guy couldn't play but he used midi to write a 8minute long orchestral piece. Another girl wrote a full song, drums guitars bass pianos complete with vocals.
I don't know if it changes next year. Hope the info helps future applicants to be fully prepared.
There was one applicant who had a Masters Degree in Architecture. 8O Even the interviewers were a bit shocked.