know the fretbaord.

17wil said:
a fren told me to know the fretbaord keys frm a -g...what does he mean? how to do it?


1 fret = half step
2 fret = wholestep

1st string = E (bottom one ah)
2nd string = B
3rd string = G
4th string = D
5th string = A
6th string = E (top bass)

In western music theory ... there are twelve tones ... always starts with C because C is also known as the natural ... no sharps nor flats. Twelve tones are: C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G#, A, A#, B, C

Notice that E, F and B, C are half step (1fret) apart. All other natural diatonic notes have sharps in between. Sometimes D# is know as Eb ... depending whether the key signature is 4 flats (Eb) or 4 sharps (D#)

After establishing this ....

Step 1: Print this post out.

Step 2: Take a piece of papper .... draw a picture of your fretboard from 1 to 12 (if you want draw till 24 but it really is just a repettition)

Step 3: Write out every notes on every fret and every string on the fretboard based on the theory stipulated above. Take note of a particular pattern of how similar notes can appear. Example .... find all the A notes and notice there is a pattern.

Step 4: learn to practice a song with the notes you've written. Best is when you practice with scores.

There are some websites where they got printable pictures of the notes across the fretboard. I go find them & post it here :) Enjoy.