kai and kx jam

Great job guys on the jam session,heard abit of vinnie moore,blues saraceno style licks if i'm not wrong. :D :D Keep up the good work!
Great piece. Hope to hear more of u guys collab.
And kai. When will yakamashii have a gig again?
I'm addicted to raja purbakala. LOL!
hey thks! lol 8) nxt gig? maybe next month.. but im not sure wats the gig about.. more info coming soon i guess. thks for chking out!
first of all.. i wanna say.. nice effort.. KX, well comparing ur playing now and wat u used to play.. u have indeed matured as a guitarist.. ur phrasing is getting nicer each day.. but i felt it was abit too choppy like.. linking one lick after the other.. try working on one idea and after finishing one.. u move on to the other.. but hey.. i am starting to like ur phrasing.. shows tht u have been practicing! haha.. as for kai... i think u are technically good..but too much shredding bro.. but tht is cool if its ur intention.. other than tht.. i can only say.. well done. but more good ones to come...
hey KX did you use your tonelab? Nice tone there... playing wise, salute
Kai is awesome as usual too... keep up the good work guys, Kai making waves in OM section lately :twisted: