Judgement reserved on fate of woman who manipulated lover to kill husband


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SINGAPORE : Judgement has been reserved on the fate of 25-year-old Aniza Essa, who was sentenced to 9 years in jail for manipulating her teenage lover into killing her husband.

That's why, I will never manipulate my wify or my gfs or lovers to fight each other - but to understand each other cause good things in life must learn to share share with others ...."like sharing me" cannot be selfish, cannot fight, but understand one another - love each other - if not one die the other half-dead (got to go jail 9 years).......no good no good.
is anyone thinking for the kids? yeah i dont understand why he had to intervene and give the woman life. unless he's convinced she's faking her psychological trauma?
If the kids still stay with her, will she be able to take good care of them? Or she might mis-guide them like the other young man?
good point, but imagine those poor kids who have to grow up without their mother and their father. if she really is psychologically ill, she needs treatment, not a life sentence
wait, was the judge doing the right thing in sparing the lady's life?

maybe he was abit too lenient considering that the prepetrator was a lady?
so basically a men's life was only worth 9 years?

and what of the boy?
he gets away scott free?
The lady "Seow" one lah due to being abuse by hubby right? (I think as stated)...

The 2 children I think will go to Social Welfare (Boys/Girls Home).

The 16 years old boy (is really a minor - still a teenager) - I wonder if they will give him a 2nd chance or wait till he is 21 years old - then they Hang him................PS: - cause one of my friends last time they keep him for 3 years (till he is 21) then he was hang to death.
Wah-low you bery bold har bro edfreakz ...use "Quote Button" here...Soft is Thread-Starter ...Kekekekeke (Not I Sabo You) har.

PS: - Anyway I hope the Boy dont have to die (cause he is really so young and has been manipulated by that woman) ..... She is Ugly right ? hehehe....wonder how come he can fall for her lah ... (you all would have guess as you're all clever people - I no need to spell it out)....
I personally feel that her sentence is too lenient. Psychological and abusive history aside, if her state of mind had allowed her to basically manipulate her lover into killing her husband, she is basically abled-mind enough to think. If there was abuse, she could have gone for help, or just separate from her husband.