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hey, have u guys heard any of his stuff?! they're actually really good! i heard his album and i was impressed! although i've never really heard much of his playing b4, i never knew he played like the way he did on the album. there's even one that is kind of a country tune! he's a great player! wonder if he'll be asked to play for G3, haha, that would be something!
i read somewhere he was a country music guitarist before he joined Marilyn Manson. I have always felt he was under ultilised when he was in Marilyn Manson back then.
I like him. U should go listen to "Sugarfoot Rag" one hell of a country shredding! He injects humor in his playing/ He was a session player, he once played for David Lee Roth (ex vanhalen vocalist) band DLR band. He then played for kd lang. Thats probably where the country association came in. he have released 2 solo albums so far, sub did a review on his second album. There is also a thread about him in the Guitar-people section.
YES Songs for Sanity is AWESOME.

I love him and his talent. What a waste of time in Marilyn Manson!

[EDIT] I also think he should stop using his John5 image. It's so manson. It's like he can't forget the manson times. It makes ME remember the manson times.
Although underused, the Manson is arguably his platform to ascend to his current greater heights.
Phil said:
Although underused, the Manson is arguably his platform to ascend to his current greater heights.

that's how he got known..
well i'll still keep a lookout for this guy..
and i think i like that image of his..
if he changes his image then he wont be the original John5 his many fans love for..
i read somewher tt quoted him saying dimebag was the only person who cud make him drink..something like tt...i find it weird,isnt marilyn manson alwaes drunk?

sub:wher did u find the J5 tele?
He doesnt do drugs or alcohol. The only thing he is addicted to is his guitar, he admitted that he feel insecure if he don play guitar. As for him joining marylin manson, i think is his openess to all kinds of music, he plays everything from metal to rock to country.
Mobius said:
As for him joining marylin manson, i think is his openess to all kinds of music, he plays everything from metal to rock to country.

I read in an interview some years back, that John 5 was a big fan of Manson's Antichrist Superstar album, which was one of the main reasons he agreed to join him.
i love that guy! He's different from all instrumental artists out there, if your sick of listening to all the cliche guitar instrumental tracks that last for more than 5 mins you should check his stuff out. Vertigo and songs for sanity album are superb! Each song are around 3 minutes long, long enough to express his ideas and short enough so that you won't be bored. Blues rock to country to metal. He even got Steve Vai to guest solo in one of his tracks.
I think he's really good. He's part of Rob Zombie's band now and it's really cool how he incorporates country-ish/blues-ish riffs into the songs on the Educated Horses album; good stuff.
Ah,John 5!i love him to bits!from the time he was in Marilyn Manson to his solo albums,he has caught my eye and his album is a must buy!No regrets,thats for sure!