Jet Li is now Singaporean

Yeah.. read about that... I'm not sure manz.. just wild guessing..
But I'm hoping for more famous song composers to be PR in Singapore so it'll really impact our music industry.
famous people usually get hell from the SAF.

my father was a PTI (from the 80s). he gave this kind of people hell. and so did his colleagues.
jeez, another china man. Why am I not surprised.

I'm surprised, without too many expository comments towards your appallingly arbitrary and insipid nature, how absolutely retarded you are capable of sounding. Bravo for the bronco with not a speck of chrome to shine. In your skull lays the sad residue of whatnots and brains.
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so exciting these big famous ppl wanna make $ingapoor their home. we shld be so proud, cmon pop the champagne bottle we're on our way to first world status whhoooppeee

we're a great talent attractor, really, global city of da phuture.........
I'm surprised, without too many expository comments towards your appallingly arbitrary and insipid nature, how absolutely retarded you are capable of sounding. Bravo for the bronco with not a speck of chrome to shine. In your skull lays the sad residue of whatnots and brains.

chill dude, what I'm trying to say is that there are an increasing number of people from china in singapore, hence, I'm not surprised. Thats all. (sorry guys as the following will be off-topic) And neither am I trying to say that I'm not welcoming them, just that I don't want to see singapore becoming a "chinese country", I've always like the fact that singapore is multiracial. Although i have to say the government is making a smart choice because china will be on top and the most powerful soon, and making friends with them will benefit us in especially in terms of our language (mandarin) but there are also cons, many locals are unable to get jobs like dish washer, cleaner, because employers can hire PRC at a lower cost. I have seen that myself. I understand that you got mad because you might've thought that I'm being racist here, well it is if a non-chinese were to say that, but hey, I'm chinese myself, my dad is chinese, my ancestors are from china, are you trying to say I'm racist against my own race? now thats just funny. If you're gonna reply to my comment please do so through pm as its unfair for others to read something unpleasant. :)

back in topic, Most famous people are coming here because of one big reason NO PAPARAZZI!! :D
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oh yeah w our wonderful docile press (our par kuat newspapers damn weak in compariswon)
these staaaaarzzzz can find tr00 peave n quiet in our lurvely neighbourhood........

if they is unhappy can always complain 2 gahmen and all prob solved........
FluxUs please tell me you're kidding. First of all, they may be famous but seriously, who gives a rat's ass about jet li or gong li? I think it's just another way to get foreigners to be attracted to singapore by publicizing this. And it's funny they decided to move, guess it's just nice to be rich in singapore. And moving on to become a first world country, i seriously doubt it. We're too tight assed. How to be first world when we still hang drug traffickers? We're still asian and medieval.
I'm surprised, without too many expository comments towards your appallingly arbitrary and insipid nature, how absolutely retarded you are capable of sounding. Bravo for the bronco with not a speck of chrome to shine. In your skull lays the sad residue of whatnots and brains.

what talking this guy? i am not bright enough.

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