my school doesnt barr long hair

ROCK ON arts school! i've got schoolmates who've hair like slash from GnR, petrucci (present and verylongago), as well as exotic styles and colours. and i think we all know how to appreciate the freedom: i haven't seen an awful hairstyle. not like if u let an entire poly have hair freedom, some buggs might go and get ... bleah. have some dignity for yourself, fashion stands out because it's unique, not because it looks alien.
haha one job is service crew, HR policy says guys have short neat hair dark brown or natural colour only but since we wear caps, (my hair has blue hi-lights :roll: ) i have no problems at all, i just make sure it looks neat. manager doesnt mind either, they know what i look like off-work

i even interviewed with uber long hair (i just cut off the sides so it 'looks shorter' but actually... haha)
other job would be from lobangs lor, friend reccomend me to his boss, etc... i just did a job for a company that covered Mosaic Music Fest... fun sia...
btw we should all write in to the MICA and request that long hair not be shunned upon: fine, cut our hair when we go into NS, but reservice? if REAL war u wanna cut, mm... i think i'd go with that, i dun want to run across a battlefield with my hair stuck in my rifle chamber... but c'mon, if music is my life when i'm 28 and u call me in for reservice before some big gig, DAMN that's a big monkey wrench thrown into the picture.
OH AND FURTHERMORE i find it an irony: "hair must be neat at all times" is a common policy in companies. BUT THEN, why do they allow guys (especially chinese) to have those "just wake up from bed" look? use a lot of wax, push hair here and there, look messy actally is nice and flowing downwards. big irony. if i had long flowing hair, i'd tie it up and maybe wear a bandana if it's too puffy. isnt that NEATER than OUT OF BED look?