Isit Sweelee's Epiphone guitar is come from CHINA???

.....what. I have no idea what you're talking about. You talk about Swee Lee, then about Epiphones, then link to some guy's MIK ad? WAT.
BACK TO TOPIC. Only some are made in Korea and they'll proclaim it to be better an all but they're all still the same.
Kbox's thread title should +1 to the
"beyonce says singaporean's english suck"

is come from china lol

oh wait Kbox from singapore???
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Does it matter if comes from China?Its still a workable guitar.

Seriously.Can you even tell the difference between MIC and MIK just by looking at it?or listening to it?
they got put
made in china
at the back of the guitar mah lol...

i can't stop looking at the "Is come from china"
I think reading up more on the guitars will be to your advantage.Like they say.Kill two birds with one stone.
wah lao eh.. then now every1 tok liddat lor...?

u cant stop staring at "is made from china"? thought they just put "Made in china".

then dont buy MIC one la so particular abt it...

To me, MIC or MIK cant tell one.

Quality control is another la..

But is there a really major diff. haha i just post MIK in bold cause ppl prefer it. AHHAA but honestly, i dun really bother.
Is there really a difference in exactly WHERE its made? Well, apart from the woods used, I don't see what's the difference if two similiar guitars are made in different countries. The guitar still works.