Is there a cap on the number of words or letters?


New member
Hi, I'm not exactly a n00b here, I registered in 2005, but only got to posting this year.
I have a habit of writing long ass posts that no one would likely read, given the average poster's attention span. So the problem is whenever I write something really really long, and when I click on the "submit post" button down there, a message is given which states that an admin has to approve of my message.

What the hell?

It's not like i'm posting direct links to shock/banned websites, or promoting shit you guys don't want to see. Oh, one more thing. I also use alot of profanity in my posts. I mean alot. Is that somewhat.. prohibited? It's quite laughable if that is the case.

Yeah, in short.. so could any of the admins look into this problem?
Initiate, thanks for coming back.

The questions you have, somehow you have already answered them already.

Thanks for sharing.
Uh, could you be more specific.

Like for instance:

WHAT? Profanity isn't allowed?

And what is considered a long post? How long is long?
There are no double entendres on my last query.

And whenever I type a long post, regardless of the content, and I want to submit the post, I need to sign up again.

Thanks for the totally sweet burn of a reply though.
Profanity is NOT allowed. Please help to make this forum as pleasent as possible.

There is a limit on the number of words/characters in 1 post. It is 10000 characters. If you are having that problem, just split the post into 2.
Haha, you nazi mod.

I saw what you did there.. nice edit.

I'm not using profanity to diss anyone or flamebait em though.
Just.. not yet.
initiate: with all due respect, the moderator is only trying to make a better place..

if u have the opinion that a forum with profanities make it a better so by all means, in your own forum..

u sound like u got maturity issues..but well..i dunno you so yea..tts juz my opinion..

and again, with all due respect i hope u'll realise that this forum does not revolve around you.:-D
initiate: with all due respect, the moderator is only trying to make a better place..

if u have the opinion that a forum with profanities make it a better so by all means, in your own forum..


Oh well, where do I start.

I do use profanity alot. But not in the sense I go berzerk and randomly attack other posters in personal attacks just to discredit the source of a logical argument.

Here's an example of how i use it.

"superbad the movie was lovelovelovelovelovelovelovelove excellent!" or "damien duff looks like a lovelovelovelovelovelovelovelove person with downs syndrome"

Oh well, the last example was a red herring, but you get my point.

I don't direct it to anyone. So how is that offensive? It's just semantics and I just happen to use alot of euphemisms in my postings. There is no offensive connotation directed at anyone.

Besides, if you get angry at an Online post, I suppose you need to get out more often.

Variety is the spice of life, not everything has to be encased in saccharine sweetness.
well dude..

juz hope u wont be making more enemies than frens man..cos i noticed ur not that tactful with ur words.:D
Initiate, even tho u have become my new hero, i advise u to be good. As i have learnt that softies get agitated or offended very easily. We're in Singapore, everything has to be politically correct.
Haiz... Initiate... why?

Profanity is like farting. Yes, you can do it all you want but please dont do it in our face.

Edit all your previous post accordingly.