Is such a setup feasible?


New member
Hi guys I'm currently using only a guitar and an AI (line6 UX2) output to speakers rather than a conventional amp. Is it even possible to include a loop pedal in this setup at all? My purpose is to make practice more convenient (ie. recording chord progression and playing over it with pedal rather than recording with DAW and all the clicking hassle) ?

Open to any suggestions, thanks!
No issues. You can place it between the UX and your speakers, or between your guitar and UX. Which looper are you planning to use?
another way, use a midi foot controller with free looping program like sooperlooper ( ) or mobius ( )

On mac, theres also mainstage2/3, together with an apogee gio, looping cum all guitar needs be within the comp.

On the other hand, just wondering, between the guitar and the ux 2, are there physical effect pedals, di box then to the ux2 or just guitar straight to ux2 and all processing/amp sim are done within the computer then output from ux 2 to speaker?

If its the former, can just pop a looper in the usual chain. If its the later, it might be tricky on the impedance matching side, line level/instrument level matching or even matching the connection plug type of the looper and the ouput of the ux 2.

Oh well, either way, no harm trying and prolly wont damage anything. Have fun!

oh yeah, on clicking issues on computer, imho, with today computer or even few years back series, the clicking/noise issue can be solved as long as theres proper separation of drive meant for music and leisure plus some tweaks which can be one.
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another way, use a midi foot controller with free looping program like sooperlooper ( ) or mobius ( )

On mac, theres also mainstage2/3, together with an apogee gio, looping cum all guitar needs be within the comp.

On the other hand, just wondering, between the guitar and the ux 2, are there physical effect pedals, di box then to the ux2 or just guitar straight to ux2 and all processing/amp sim are done within the computer then output from ux 2 to speaker?

If its the former, can just pop a looper in the usual chain. If its the later, it might be tricky on the impedance matching side, line level/instrument level matching or even matching the connection plug type of the looper and the ouput of the ux 2.

Oh well, either way, no harm trying and prolly wont damage anything. Have fun!

oh yeah, on clicking issues on computer, imho, with today computer or even few years back series, the clicking/noise issue can be solved as long as theres proper separation of drive meant for music and leisure plus some tweaks which can be one.

Hey raindrop!

Like how u guessed, my setup is simply guitar > AI > lappy and external speakers
Actually I think that is what Im clueless about.. whether is there a way for me to plug the looper in between somewhere in the signal chain or not, given my equipment jacks. There are a few empty jacks on my UX2 since the ones that ive used are only the guitar-ux2 jack, the ux2-speakers analogue output jack and the usb port to lappy (asus model)

On a side note, if there is a delay when i try to record, is it possible to rectify it without having to spend lotsa $ to do so?
No issues. You can place it between the UX and your speakers, or between your guitar and UX. Which looper are you planning to use?

Hey James!

im prolly using the boss rc2/3 pedal for a start as recommended. Do you mean I can just connect it as if its to an amp output, maybe like guitar > pedal > amp (ux2) > speakers n lappy?
the delay between played notes and monitoring playback/recording has to do with the latency, input/output setting of the program being used. Its possible to reduce the latency, but that one need to go into details on comp setup.

if having the looper at the output of the ux 2, prolly can make use of the 2 analog out jack. But the looper need to have dual input and output as well so the signal can continue to the speaker. Things to note for this kinda connection will have to take into consideration mentioned in my previous post. It prolly wont destory anything (in sensible volume situation), but the signal might not be at optimal.

In the case of having the looper between guitar and UX2, this one can only loop the clean signal straight from guitar to the UX2. All the extra processing through software amp/cab simulation wont be able to loop due to the looper connection point.

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