Is it Wrong?


New member
Hi all juz checking do u think its wrong or okay

if i wanted 2 test a pedal without the intention of buying...
not 2nd hand... at a shop...

juz to test out see wad i might like n wad suits me...

i feel quite bad/shy to juz walk in test test den walk out without buying...

n sometimes i feel like the shop staff/owners make me feel unwelcomed haha... cld be over-sensative here...
i think it's even more wrong to be forced to buy a pedal when you've tried and tested it, only to find that the sound isn't to your liking.. heh no need to feel shy lah.. the whole reason why people buy pedals is to get them closer to the sound they want.. no point buying if it doesn't suit you..
if i wanted 2 test a pedal without the intention of buying

It would be better if you have some intention of buying. Think of it in their shoes. If you open a shop, would you rather have customers who have intention of buying or customers who have NO intention of buying?

* Difference between National Library and Borders/Kinokuniya
well that depends on who you are to the shop owner haha . i feel unwelcomed at some stores but im home at ebenex
It would be better if u can talk to the shop owner about your concerns. Like your budget, what sort of features you'd want in your delay pedal, or any particular brand. At least this shows that you have the least bit of intention to buy something, and they would be more willing to let u try out the pedals.

And also, i find it quite rude to step on the pedals when testing them. Always use your hand to activate the pedal. It's basic manners.
maybe thats why the internet has a place called harmony-central and such.just check the reviews out if you are really shy to ask the shop.or try from someone who has the same pedal you are looking for.
It is impossible to get anything objective from harmony central. If only there were more professional reviews ala sub's reviews here on harmony central. Definately better than "sucks ass" or "rocks bigtime" kinda reviews.
ebenex music

we certainly welcome people coming by to try out our effects, hence the open concept whereby you come into the shop and all the pedals are prominently displayed next to amps and guitars ready for testing.

we do not set any time limits etc. and frankly, it doesn't really bother us if you spend 2-3 hours trying effects and decide not to buy at that point of time.


ebenex music
It is impossible to get anything objective from harmony central. If only there were more professional reviews ala sub's reviews here on harmony central. Definately better than "sucks ass" or "rocks bigtime" kinda reviews.

On contrary, Harmony Central can be a quite useful gauge actually. But you have to take note of the NUMBER of reviews given. It's about the LAW OF AVERAGES. Example, the opinions and average score for an item which has 50 reviews is much more accurate than one which has 10 reviews. There will always be extremes at both ends (sucks ass & rocks bigtime ;)), but the averages will tell us how good/bad the product is.
lol, almost every guitar shop is distant from my house. i live in pasir ris, the closest i can think of is tampines, and i dont even know what shop it is