is it possible to self teach how to play the guitar?

all the talks are bulshit.. you will not realise whatyou are missing at till someone pointed out to you.

so plse go and obtain a teacher and humbly relearn...

and PLSE don get a teacher who teach you to play via TABS..

get a decent one who can related music theory back to the song and vice versa.
imo no one can really 'teach' u how. e sifu can only show u some tricks tips and guide u along the way. theory ok but practical bro u need to pay your dues. in lead solos u might noe all the notes but theres the nuances the fingerin the touch etc etc. in rhythm worst, how many can really strum beautifuly. wat i m trying to say is dat ultimately u really need to 'self taught'. my half sen worth. enjoy pressin the top and playin the bottom. chheers
Been playing for about 6 yrs by myself. however i always feel that while learning by myself is good, it could also help more if i learn from a pro teacher who can teach me more techniques theories etc.

I recently saw one bassist playing from a scoresheet ( no tabs at all if i could remember) and its damn inspiring.:mrgreen:
Been playing for about 6 yrs by myself. however i always feel that while learning by myself is good, it could also help more if i learn from a pro teacher who can teach me more techniques theories etc.

I recently saw one bassist playing from a scoresheet ( no tabs at all if i could remember) and its damn inspiring.:mrgreen:

learning from an instructor is always adviseable, if only to have someone to sit in with you so as to correct your mistakes and habits. hitting a plateau in your playing iis a pain.
Yes. U can teach guitar on your own. After you learn all the basic chord and strumming, I would recommend you to go for music teacher as you would progress faster by then. Learning on your own alone is not enough unless u want to learn for fun. Music theory would not be a problem for u. Learning from tabs is easy but i realised that those who learnt from music sheet are way better than those who learn from tabs.
I think you should get a teacher!
I learned how to play easy chords online, but i guess there are things that are really difficult to learn online! So, in the end, i got a teacher.
so get a teacher, and you'll pick up much faster! (,:
I remember when i just started out...
Stole my uncle's guitar chord book, learn the chord shapes, hang out with some fellas who are already playing well, they forced me to make up my own solos to whatever chords they were playing to...

That was me too!!! Except, I was too lazy to practice that much. Heh.:mrgreen:

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