Is it necessary to learn a song?

As in, is it really necessary to learn a song to improve?
Ok...correct me if I'm wrong with your question. The more songs and genres you listen to, the more ideas you have if you're creating an own originals. And if you play a variety of genres, the more you will improve with your skills. That's what I call versatility.
as a a beginner in guitar, without anyone to teach the theory of music. There is nothing else, but to learn the songs of others.

It is necessary, but not a must. Its a beginning to something. To spark off the interest, to get close to whoever we like and lastly, to have idea of different arrangement of songs(other than guitar guitar and more guitar)

and whats important, is after learning the songs of others, how can we adapt it and come out with our own music. Music from our heart, arranged and lastly presented as a song, of our own

We write we play we love coz its music from our own hand, from what we can feel and see.

we learn to surpass, not to sound like a copier machine
As someone who doesn't have much in the way of formal music training, learning songs (either through sheet music or sometimes listening and playing by ear) helps me to understand better certain concepts, like the use of scales in constructing melody. Like any other language, you really need to speak, listen and be immersed in music to become really fluent.
Is this a trick question?

Definitely necessary to a beginner its a must as it serves as a stepping stone.More songs you know the better you'll become obviously.
I think learning songs would give us an idea of how the notes fit into that solo.
E.g what scales were used and stuff. Of course there is also the part of you wanting to play your guitar hero's riffs and solos.
answer is a counter-question : Is it necessary to brush your teeth?

A musician who never learn songs cannot improve at all.
As in, is it really necessary to learn a song to improve?

nope, not really necessary.
if one knows nothing about playing the guitar,
learning basic open chords like C, A, G, E, D via online resources or books is already an improvement from knowing nothing about playing the guitar.

however, that is probably just for the first few minutes of learning the guitar.
chords alone get you nowhere.
to improve further, i think its pretty obvious one has to learn songs.
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you know, this teleplayer's recent posts to me have been really dumb questions.
needless and dumb, no offence though, just my opinion.
lol lady you are mean

of course we need to learn to improve. Chinese saying even if you can't compose a poem you can always mutter one of the thousands you have learnt
Learning chords and than songs are certainly better rather than you keep learning chords alone.

It also might motivate you to keep on learning to play the guitar as you can "see" improvement in yourself, when you apply the chords you have learn to simple songs, if you are a beginner.
I'm sorry (well actually im not) but this post is the dumbest post of the year ! CAN THE MODERATORS PLEASE DELETE THIS ! .

P.S . threadstarter please think before you post .
you know, this teleplayer's recent posts to me have been really dumb questions.
needless and dumb, no offence though, just my opinion.

I'm sorry (well actually im not) but this post is the dumbest post of the year ! CAN THE MODERATORS PLEASE DELETE THIS ! .

P.S . threadstarter please think before you post .

Sorry if this post wastes bandwidth or whatsoever, but recently, a lot of people had been saying me like don't even know how to play guitar(because I don't learn songs), then I waste money buying guitars. I want to know softies' opinion on this.

If I should really learn songs, I think I will start finding lessons to take up.
I don't know but i think some people on soft have to turn off cool down a little and post nicer stuff ... After all its a discussion forum...

To the TS, I roughly get what you mean. If you were to get a guitar , and gonna just practice your theory or just practice improving your alternate picking by doing chromatic stuff up and down the neck or the other technical aspects of the guitar, it will be rather meaningless.

Its best if you do all of them, learn theory, learn songs and practice your techniques...

Look at learning songs as a 'test' to your abilities, you can learn alot from a song, new techniques, new ways of using theory or w/e.

Paul Gilbert also once said that learning songs is vital to improve as some of his students only learn the theory part of it and never learn any songs.

For me learning songs is really a good way to both practice and discover new stuff, like I found out this little technique "Spider Riffing" in the song Holy Wars and can be applied to alot of other songs too like in " The Day That Never Comes" !

So keep practicing and quit flaming!
Peace :cool:
(because I don't learn songs),

huh you dont. i also thought this was some trick question.

but dude.. seriously? if you dont learn songs how are u going to enjoy playing at the beginning? would u get sense of achievement when u successfully learned a scale, which would seem quite meaningless at the start, OR when u've successfully learnt a song, completely?

i'd personally take more joy in being able to play one of my favourite songs.

put being able to improve aside, learning songs will give you more confidence in playing. you've nvr gone jamming have you?
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