is it me or is it singnet


New member
is it me or is singnet really slow at loading pages?

people claim to have really fast download speeds for singnet.

i agree with these people as well. but here's the catch: only if you manage to load the page in the first place.

so it actually has a damn fast download speed, with pathetic web surfing speed.
I'm also suffering that, but my isp is laghub, fails badly when a lot of people sharing laghub network and also during raining
I'm also suffering that, but my isp is laghub, fails badly when a lot of people sharing laghub network and also during raining


my internet loads sooo long when its raining or if its abt 10pm(idk why)
Downloads, uploads and web surfing speed so far has been reasonably well for me. My only persistent problem to my singnet broadband setup is that it gets cut-out every time the phone ring or being used. Helpdesk wasn't much of a help and didn't bother to call their field tech down to my place, rather troubleshoot my own, but like too lazy. Wahaha...

If you're staying in HDB flat try calling their helpdesk if all of a sudden, the connection speeds gets really slow most of the time. Could be their line problem (happened at my area, where some units of the flat unable to surf or call-out).
:mad: :mad:
i just switched over from starhub, and i personally think that starhub may be slower, but at least its more stable than singtel.

singtel gives me problems for different websites on different days. perhaps experiencing PMS (Permanent-pre Menstrual Symptoms).

i would rather have a slower BUT stable ISP than a fast but always disconnecting me from internet ISP.
experienced the same thing, its not you, its definitely singtel, really, its bugging me, also its also quite a hassle to contact them.
Yeah been experiencing crappy browsing lately as well. Download speed not affected. Using the Singtel 10mbps plan.

I am using Starhub MaxOnline Express 8Mbps
this is not an issue of bandwith, you noobs. so the speedtest is redundant.

it is an issue of the proxy server.

or you can switch off the proxy server altogether. sometimes one of them cocks up.
not bad la, considering ive 3 coms torrenting.

starhub btw.

Wtf? 3 coms torrenting and you've got that kind of speed? My speed will probably go down to ~50KBps if I were to even on my utorrent. Using pacific net here 8mbps, yes I know pacnet... :p
this is not an issue of bandwith, you noobs. so the speedtest is redundant.

it is an issue of the proxy server.

or you can switch off the proxy server altogether. sometimes one of them cocks up.

Cannot la. I'm aboard a ship flying the Jolly Roger...
apparently when i called singtel's technical helpdesk, once they asked me to change the proxy server it helped in the surfing speed.

anyway here's my results:

but like i mentioned before, its not about the download speeds, but rather the surfing speed (if it makes any sense at all) haha.

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