-san is nt tht easy. it doesnt have a simple meaning like for males or females. its to differenciate between generations or somethin like tht. -dono -san n a few more such complex simple words :lol: According to my cousin tho.
yea~hahaa,madee a mistake there!i born in singapore woo! dun learn jap except some mediocre sentences.....forgive me if i have any problems understanding!!
ahhhh~anything will settle! but personally i lyk the "yoroshiku" lahh!i always use one~hahaa! wanna add me at msn?i'm lookin for more ppl to chat with!!! mine is Neopets_freak_1990@hotmail.com ayyyeee!~i verii young created the acc one,hence the name~hahs! blahh
okieee....is "nar bei" a indian word?the answer's for ya to find out! ^^
hey!how can a forum be cold when singapore's weather's fuckin hot?!! HATE THE WEATHER!!*grumbles*