Intro : Tyler Drake

What is the best way to be heard in singapore? (as a band)

  • Get Out and GIG GIG GIG

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New member
I'm Tyler...I'm in a Metal Band with "the Warlord" which we set up over a year ago so that we had something to do, or something to work at, but it has now become alot more than that... We've played at some good venues for a Metal band in Singapore including the Indoor Stadium Waterfront for unsuitable name really... We're planning on taking it as far as we can...
As far as i'm aware, there aren't many f*cking metal bands in singapore.. i mean, real metal bands, not like the 7 guys who stand on stage at the Youth Park and scream while people skate board around them, or those guys who play a little Black Sabbath after playing "are you gonna be my girl"... I'm wondering if, other than Ronin, there will be another high calibre Metal band here that could even rise to the point of maybe being nominated for "Best artist Singapore".

In a best attempt we'll GIG as much as we can, or do whatever it takes to be HEARD and mainly, BE LISTENED TOO... (there is a difference)

Until Next time... pounding pounding pounding
hey man, you porbably saw me at slipknot if you were there, i was wearing metallica shirt and came and introduced myself to Julian.

anyway ++ for more metal! OLD SCHOOL METAL!

I thought your name sounded familiar but I was thinking of Tyler Durden hah

edit: do it the metallica way! GIG GIG GIG!
If u think metallica & slipknot r all metal n metal is all metallica & slipknot then u probli dont know metal :lol: Bt anyways gd ta c some1 willing ta get out there n show the faggots of singapore how far us musicians can go! :supz: Heil Tyler! :smt041 So bud i cant seem ta spot yer band name in this thread..Hint me on tht plus what styles ye do :wink:

nitrovo.. whats going on... hey, i remember you haha. how could i forget.. the only one in a "close to official" slipknot mask on the night... there was one Fuker in some face paint or some shit haha...

Nobody says Slipknot and METALLICA are the only metal bands by the way? i didn't read that anywhere? i dont know where that came from?...

ABOUT THE BAND NAME...Truth is, we've been using this "SWORD BEARING MUSCLE KINGS OF THUNDER, LIGHTENING AND METAL" name, mainly so we have atleast SOMETHING to call ourselves... but it's obviously not a band name that ANYONE is gonna take seriously.. so yeah.. the name is really in the making...

Keep checking us out though... either THE WARLORD or I, for up-and-coming gigs, or whatever it might be... they'll be coming thick and fast soon, thats for sure... not to mention recordings that are on there way...

Bands i LIKE

It has to be said, Slipknot and Metallica are two of my favourite bands, but it's not like thats all we play or aLL i consider to be METAL>? ... I love ICED EARTH now after having been introduced over a year ago... some MANOWAR stuff... but it has to be said, they are pushing this whole VIKING HISTORICAL BATTLE METAL shit a little too far. We actually played HAIL N KILL at one of our gigs.. I like THE WHO... who actually aren't metal for anyone who is completely clueless... i like some avenged sevenfold stuff, but thats as far as i'll go towards all the sort of stuff. DREAM THEATRE are awesome too.... this is mainly just the metal i like... of course i enjoy other stuff too...
Nobody says Slipknot and METALLICA are the only metal bands by the way? i didn't read that anywhere? i dont know where that came from?...
Me neither :lol: Coz seeing ppl go hoohaa over metallica n slipknot nowadays gives me the ubershit. Guess i was just bored hahah. Goodness..tht a name of a band or name of yer album? :D
but it's obviously not a band name that ANYONE is gonna take seriously..
Correct. So whenz the nxt gig? Interested ta watch ye guys perform coz i dont think i spotted u on any of the metal gigs so far. Bt by any chance did i miss out?
Re: Reply

TylerDrake said:
nitrovo.. whats going on... hey, i remember you haha. how could i forget.. the only one in a "close to official" slipknot mask on the night... there was one Fuker in some face paint or some shit haha...


ha yeah you know whats going on :?

btw I wasnt wearing a mask at the gig haha I was dressed in black with a metallica shirt, black jeans. btw im Aussie, so you prob woulda picked up on my accent :D
Re: Bands i LIKE

TylerDrake said:
It has to be said, Slipknot and Metallica are two of my favourite bands, ...
Oh i can c ur mostly influnced by Nu, Thrash & Power Metal. Though a7x has finally progressed & earned my respect since their latest release. They now sound more melodic heavy/power metal.
Link to link :? Ohh ur tht band! The rockfest i get it. U guys look uber kewl n sound kewl too :supz:
haha that vidoe's awesome. only wish it was longer. I'll ahve to come and watch you guys next time you play.
Re: Reply

nitrovo said:
btw I wasnt wearing a mask at the gig

i thought you were the guy in the clown mask!?... a local guy was wearing it and try to eat a burrito or something?... i dunno... you're the guy who said hi to julian when we were all sitting down?!.. i think i remember right at the beginning?!... alright... cooll...
hi.. i dont think there's no way for a metal band to get really heard in singapore's music industry, at least for now.. but if you really wanna get heard in the metal scene is to just keep gigging. and also be friendly. not gonna metion any band names but there are the really friendly ones who get the real support and the really big headed and proud ones getting the backstabbing and all.
btw.. IMO... real metal will always belong to death and black metal. whether it's melodic technical symphonic ambiencic whatever you have. :lol: