Intro: TsukiAme

I'm from Woodlands Ring Sec.How 'bout you?
Actually I don't go out much, I just wear a T-Shirt and 3-quarted pants.
But of course I do take in mind that the colour matches! xD

Aiyo, dun sad lah.Cheer up!
I accompany u, no PMs too.xD
TsukiAme - U r welcome to join vicko, kerplunk, freeflow, ruixist & other hot soft babes in our ssoft soccer team cheerleaders squad .... PM vicko for details
I'm from Woodlands Ring Sec.How 'bout you?
Actually I don't go out much, I just wear a T-Shirt and 3-quarted pants.
But of course I do take in mind that the colour matches! xD

Aiyo, dun sad lah.Cheer up!
I accompany u, no PMs too.xD

haha i'm from whitley sec.
when i go out i wear berms and a tee.
i remember when i was younger a hot angmoh guy winked at me cos i was like wearing short shorts.
TsukiAme - U r welcome to join vicko, kerplunk, freeflow, ruixist & other hot soft babes in our ssoft soccer team cheerleaders squad .... PM vicko for details

eh fgl, i think you abit confused.
im not a cheerleader.
but can be mager la.
post a pic of urself tsukiame!
lol, we have cheer squad? I'm sloooow.

I thought usually those into jrock will put on makeup, chains, those punk outfits :p But I guess not. I'm also one that'll wear simple tshirts and berms/jeans, but I have 'extended' hair lol. My interests not for show one >_>
LOLS! Cool you have a soccer team & cheerleaders squad!
Thank you for your offer, but it's OK for me.
I'm just dreaming of becoming a vocalist. xP

Oh I see~
LOLS at the "hot angmoh guy"!!! xD
OMG~~~ The most avoided topic...
Frankly speaking, I don't really like showing my face, because I really hate taking pictures! Can't smile really well...
Sorry I can't post a pic...
Truth is, it's sort of like an emotional barrier, like I think I'm ugly and stuff...(T_T)

Yea! That's what everyone who knows me think!
They'll say:"Hey! Don't you listen to those rock-rock music? Why you so quiet, never go out one?"
It's like all back to square 1! (Laughs)
LOLS! Cool you have a soccer team & cheerleaders squad!
Thank you for your offer, but it's OK for me.
I'm just dreaming of becoming a vocalist. xP

Oh I see~
LOLS at the "hot angmoh guy"!!! xD
OMG~~~ The most avoided topic...
Frankly speaking, I don't really like showing my face, because I really hate taking pictures! Can't smile really well...
Sorry I can't post a pic...
Truth is, it's sort of like an emotional barrier, like I think I'm ugly and stuff...(T_T)

Yea! That's what everyone who knows me think!
They'll say:"Hey! Don't you listen to those rock-rock music? Why you so quiet, never go out one?"
It's like all back to square 1! (Laughs)

post la! :D
im not chio also..
We're the same! LOL, I don't like taking photos with me smiling as well, but you know what? Don't need to smile. Just glare can already, be cool :p

So, what does Sameko means by the way?
Shark(same) child(ko)? =X
LOLS! Cool you have a soccer team & cheerleaders squad!
Thank you for your offer, but it's OK for me.
I'm just dreaming of becoming a vocalist. xP

Oh I see~
LOLS at the "hot angmoh guy"!!! xD
OMG~~~ The most avoided topic...
Frankly speaking, I don't really like showing my face, because I really hate taking pictures! Can't smile really well...
Sorry I can't post a pic...
Truth is, it's sort of like an emotional barrier, like I think I'm ugly and stuff...(T_T)

Yea! That's what everyone who knows me think!
They'll say:"Hey! Don't you listen to those rock-rock music? Why you so quiet, never go out one?"
It's like all back to square 1! (Laughs)

from cheerleader - it would help ur vocals to eventually be a vocalist

emotional barrier? - This statement would mean nothing without pix ...
OMG~You gimme boost of confidence sia~~~
I'll try to get a pic of myself, maybe after May...gotta study for mid-year exams in the meantime.(>_<)

LOLS! *glares*
Same = Rain(Ame)
Ko = Love
In kanji, it's written as '雨恋'

~Ohh... I'm like so envious of vocalists now...
Pity everything must push back for a while (>_<)
What do you mean by 'this statement would mean nothing w/o pix'?:confused:
OMG~You gimme boost of confidence sia~~~
I'll try to get a pic of myself, maybe after May...gotta study for mid-year exams in the meantime.(>_<)

LOLS! *glares*
Same = Rain(Ame)
Ko = Love
In kanji, it's written as '雨恋'

~Ohh... I'm like so envious of vocalists now...
Pity everything must push back for a while (>_<)
What do you mean by 'this statement would mean nothing w/o pix'?:confused:

okay im just kidding.
what subs you taking?
I just think that I'm ugly... I even freak out when I see my reflection!
Only when I see my shadow then I think I'm actually quite OK.=P
Taking Eng, Chi, Chem, Phy, A.Maths, E.Maths, Geo & S.S.
Exams~! Head's gonna blow! xP
i'm taking triple science double math, english, chinese, geog, ss.
and i havent started.

I also wanna be able to sing, but I suck so bad so I play the guitar :p

Haha.. I see... because no matter how i spell sameko on my com it comes out as 鮫子 XD

good luck with your vocals and exams... lucky I'm out of school already :3
Wah~ So pro (*_*)
Good luck for your exams!!!

Don't say you sing bad. You can try to find some singing lessons online to improve you singing! I'm doing that now. xD
LOLS! For me, the kanji somehow becomes as "Rain Kid", so I gotta adjust it.xP
Envy you~~~ I also wanna be out of school~(T_T)
Good luck with your guitar!:D
soon la, you'll be out too, but until then right, must study hard. Coz~ if not, life after you're out will suck like $#$%^&*() haha. Personal experience.

If I can sing, I go audition for Sony JP liao and be solo artist haha.. :p I personally can't sing beyond auto anyway, I'll choke and gag XD
Okays...I hope so...
Studying real hard for my mid-years now! (>_<)
LOLS. Then must practice really hard for your guitar. xP

LOLS! You rock on too!:-D