Intro: scribblylines


New member
Hello everyone reading and not reading this. I'm 18 and I play the magical instrument called the drums. I like Naplolean Dynamite and he's my hero. :cool: I dig stuffs from the 80's and I listen to alot of different genres of music, ranging from dance punk to electro to hardcore to rnb to world music, etc. Anything also can one. *wa lau, so singaporean lorr that sentence!*
Anyone that digs the old Transformers, He-man and all that jizz, do gimmie a shoutout! *crap, i sound like a radio dj*

Oh ya, I'm currently in a band that plays indie/pop and I wanna know if there's any way for us to perform at gigs and stuff. Help? Any sort of help would be grreeatttly appreciated!! =]

Eh, long sia the intro. Ok ok. Smell ya'll!! :D
Hey wasup!

I'm a voxer and a noob rhythmist. So maybe we could jam sometime. =D

Check out moi songs too oui? Ciao!
reply lor

eh! dinky u remember me eh. lol. terplanting!
thanks for the welcoming! hah. i thought ppl would totally overlook the thread. shiat!
yeah, why not? jam sometime anytime timemime also can :p