Intro: RustyNailz

There's a short article on your band on Contact Magazine...

The Southeast CDC monthly newsletter :D

Be sure to get your copy of it 8)
thks, man...... great u like it....... it's done by our vox, bryan...... known as lalala here....... :wink:

The Southeast CDC monthly newsletter?!? 8O ....... izzit?!?...... so where can get it?........ any 1 got any idea?....... :cry:

eve of national day......

8th Aug 2005.......

7pm - 8pm.......

RN will gig at Carnival@Marina at Marina South.......

new songs will be played......


hope 2 c u guys around....... :wink:

this sun....... 8O

14th aug 2005...... :roll:

7pm........ :lol:

at S'pore Expo........ :o

RN's slot....... :P

hope 2 c u guys around....... :wink:

next sat.......

27th Aug 2005........

gig at Far East Plaza.......


hope 2 c u guys around....... :wink:

just 1 2 let ppl noe tat RN is still alive.......

n a chinese version of our site is up 2........

so........ can choose between chinese or english lor........

Sam has left RN wifout any sound......... :cry:

after trying 3 drummers, RN has managed 2 get Alvin in as our new drummer....... :D

RN will get back 2 recording 4 a chinese compliation this mth......... 8)

Sam just suddenly mia n didn't turn up 4 our recording session lor........ :cry:

N he didn't even cor us or answer our calls........ :roll:

den when Alez cor his hse no, he hung up when he heard it's Alez......... :oops:

so we had no choice but 2 look 4 a replacement lor....... :wink:
recording for us will be finished before this year. some of the bands had already finished recording their songs. the compilation album will be out soon. our new drummer picks up our songs real fast and we confirm will go on with our recording slots.
scully the new drummer is ah soon. LOL....go 1 big round and then he it? or someone else?
HeartRockSingapore said:
You guys need my help?
what help u mean ??? :oops:

Mr_X said:
scully the new drummer is ah soon. LOL....go 1 big round and then he it? or someone else?
no la not him. i believe our new drummer can learn our 10 songs within a month or 2. we having a gig too next week with him haha :lol:
Stillwater, thks, man....... RN will keep on fighting wif this new line up......... do check out the chinese compliation album which be out early next yr......... n hopefully........ RN's 1st album........ :D

Mr X, nope...... not ah soon...... maybe sum will noe him....... the new drummer is cor Alvin...... n we r giging wif him this 11th but only 3 songs n wifout CK cos ck is till oversea......... :lol:

HeartRockSingapore, yup....... RN need help........ 1 2 be 1 of our investors 4 our 1st album?........ we have sum new songs 2......... hopefully........ can go recording 4 our 1st album after feb lor........ :roll:

n matter wat is going 2 happen....... RN will keep on fighting........ :wink:

Mr_X said:
depression? why? then how is the recording coming along?

mr x, im not sure im just guessing its probably depression. we've been frenz for more than a decade, he gets this sometimes... maybe a lil more than than... i think

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