Intro: RustyNailz


New member
RN .........

a Chinese hard rock band........

doing originals.......

band site

photo ablum

Plans for 2005
- recordings
- more gigs

Gigs so far
- 02 Jan 2005 Rockin' Resolution 2005
- 03 Mar 2005 2nd Home Pub
- 10 Mar 2005 2nd Home Pub
- 18 Jun 2005 Jam@SouthEast East Coast Marine Cove
- 18 Jun 2005 Jam@Southeast Parkway Parade
- 19 Jun 2005 Jam@Southeast Parkway Parade
- 25 Jun 2005 COMPASS Songwriting Competition semi-final
- 26 Jun 2005 Jam@Southeast Parkway Parade
- 22 Jul 2005 National Library Opening
- 24 Jul 2005 Get High Without Drugs Youth Park
- 31 Jul 2005 EXPOSURE 77.1 Excelsior hotel concert ballroom
- 14 Aug 2005 Singapore Expo
- 27 Aug 2005 Tapestry Two005 Far East Plaza

Updated band lineup
Bryan - vox 8)
CK - guitar :butthead:
Alez - guitar :rock:
Alvin - drums :smt033
Frankie - bass :twisted:
Hi Frankie!
All of us oso waiting for the soft compilation but nt to wory im sure u guys wil b selected..regarding abt new year end gig..Grimbody is working on it to make it a reality ...
we need to help him n each other in wat ever best way tht we can to make tis massive gig a reality..Anthony frm Heartrocksingapore n james frm is helping too tht include tammi...i hope i can make it to the meeting tis time around (last meeting cant make it due to heavy work commitment but my other band member come on my behalf)n hope to meet u guys n all other soft.commers.. btw when ur band formed n wats genre? curious lah..hehe :wink:
Yo HaMLeT........

we've been playing 2gether since year 2000....... but we kept changing members until this final lineup........

Basically, we play original Chinese rock music........ hard rock type.........

so........ this tues r u going....... look forward 2 c u.........

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
it's comfirmed..... RUSTYNAILS will be the opening band for the new year gig.....

hope 2 c u guys around.......

n let's pray we manage 2 get a place 2 hold this gig........

RUSTYNAILS will be the 2nd band playing at kovan.......

n LANG REN ZU's vox will be helping us 2 sing as our vox is down wif bad cough.......

n this is how we going 2 start our new year.......

hope 2 c u guys around.......

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Bryan is offically a member of RN n he will be in charge of all vox.......

this is RN new band lineup....... Bryan - vox ....... Alex - guitars ....... Ah Soon - drums ....... Frankie - bass .......

In the meanwhile, RN is planning 2 do some recordings.......
A new additional guitarist, CK, has joined officially.......

here's the new lineup........ Bryan - vox....... Alez - guitar....... CK - guitar....... Ah Soon - drums....... Frankie - bass.......

RN is going 2 gig again........

at 2nd Home Pub........ near Taman Jurong superbowl........

on 10 Mar 2005 (thurs)........ 2nd slot........ around 9pm........

$12 per entry.......

hope 2 c u guys around.......

hmm...... 8O

been quite sum time since there's any RN's updates.......

1st of all...... check out RN's new site........
just comments watever u feel....... even though truths hurt....... so we r ready....... just SHOOT....... :oops:

2ndly....... RN got into the semi final 4 campass song writing completition...... the song tat got us in is "It's Not The End Of The Day"....... it'll be at Tampiness mall on 25th June....... tat's 2 weeks later...... so if any1 is free, pls drop by....... but dun expect many rock bands lor....... :roll:

lastly..... we got sum last min gigs cuming up...... this comming week....... 18th june at marine cove 6pm - 7pm....... same nite...... parkway at 8pm - 9pm...... the next day....... 19th june at parkway 5pm - 6pm....... 1 week later...... 26th june at parkway 5pm - 6pm...... if u guys r SUPER free, pls come 2 all these gigs cos it's free....... :wink: .......

n we'll be playing 8 originals 4 each 1hr set....... 2 new songs which never been giged be4 or heard by public will be included...... :D

hope 2 c any softies on 1 of these gigs....... n it'll be best if all these gigs....... :wink:

hmm...... got 1 dun noe who is RN........ n i believe there's more....... :cry:

anyway RN is a chinese rock band........ doing originals......... check it our at our site n come down 2 our gigs, man....... :wink:

Soon has left RN due to other commitment...... :cry:

we've found an new drummer....... Sam....... :D

so....... we contiune our goals wif this latest member........ :wink:

RN will gig on 22th July 2005 at the new library at 8pm - 830pm n 24th July2005 at Youth Park from4pm - 430pm wif new drummer Sam....... :D

Hope 2 c u guys around....... :wink:

very nice website!!

hi dude..

ur website is really nice!!! looks very pro man.
did u do it urself???

u guys look real cool in the website.

rock on !!

Regards William
Let ur heart do the walking ... not your fingers..

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