intro- mamasita


New member
hey everyone! female vocalist here, found this genius website by totaly accident! haha. anyway im 16 going on 17, and am totally ready to get serious with a band. i'm really really into oldies music, real classics with lionel richie-ish feels (im a total sap i know) and im into jazz! i sing jazz a whole lot, as well as classic rock and oldies, and i refuse point blank to sing punk rock, hardcore metal, or country. :) :lol:

but i'd do everything else, and im hoping to meet jazz lovers and potential band mates! ciao
Crawldaddy said:

Classic rock (and unfortunately for you, country/folk) buff here.

aw darn!

i'll just keep my comments to myself next time. but hey, thanks anyway!

and thanks everyone for the welcome!
Welcome. Pretty rare to see a teenage jazz lover ( purely IMO ), good luck in finding a band! :D
If jazz is good, you gotta check out NUS's Jazz band. They are great! Feel and vibe are all there. The only thing is, i'm suppose to be supporting my own club back at NTU's Jazz band... :D

mamasita.... u want some of my lah-tee-NO Heat????

Welcom to SOFT..... may u find a nice group of jazz peeps here....
Re: wooit...

yellowStrat said:
mamasita.... u want some of my lah-tee-NO Heat????

Welcom to SOFT..... may u find a nice group of jazz peeps here....
Lol...sure you are not gonna Lie Cheat and Steal?hehehe.......

Females who like classic rock are rare.. most are too busy with their looks or their chinese / Japanese / Korean / canto-pop idols.

Hence the rather over-enthusiastic, over-flowing-with-testosterone replies :lol: