Intro: KERPLUNK182


New member
hey wassup softies! I actually had an account BUT i forgot my username and password due to logging in only once. Lol. Anyways, i play guitar in Journey's End&The Question Fades! I play rock, punk(eh frodo pung), punk rock, emo, metal etc etc. I own 5 axes, mostly Ibanez. O yeah. I'm retarded most of the times so don't laugh at me if i malu myself!:D So yeah i guess that's about all:)

Victoria Chew:D
Hello kerplunk182.
she loves you too.
and that hobbit.
I'm the lemonator, feel free to talk to me.
the feet are considered to be friends?!


Spiral Out! Keep Going!

I still vote for the moment in The Return of The King where Pippin finds Merry on the battlefield, and they have this 'intimate' conversation...

as the gayest moment in cinematic history.

And it's not just because of the furry feet. :lol:
danial said:
hey kerplunk182 , u the gal that burp on stage A-Z rite ? in ygw ?
yeah. That was me. I thought they were giving out the guitar which i thought was a fender cause it looked like a fender from where i was... But end up, was some "stim" guitar.. Hehehe. I don't mind free hp too=x
neuro182 said:
Victoria.. welcome!! another -182 army!!

shiok.. im waiting for people to put <nick>+44

YAY! 182182182! I WANT TRIBUTE TO BLINK!!:( Damn Tom Delonge hahaha. I remember watching videos of all of them together joking around... I WAS DYING FOR THEM TO COME TO SINGAPORE BEFORE THEY DISBANDED LA!:(
:lol: they live on in their fans' heart, don't they? jus like in mine..

anywae, my band will be covering some of their early day hits :) will keep u informed certainly..
haha welcome!!

Blink is fun, rmb playing them when i first started playing guitar......... :D
We'll be covering blink during music mania 5. Drop by Gashaus if you're free. You can get ticks from me:) hahaha.