Intro: kari_convention (kit pics inside)


New member
I'm Kari_convention. U can call me Kari. Its just a nickname. hehehe..
Well, I just came through this website when I browsing through LutherMusic ads page. I'm from Malaysia and there are not much online forum about drums here. When I see this website, walaaaa tons of topics about drums! Its good to share things with other drummers. Yeah, currently been in Pearl Drummers Forum but most of them are western and it is so flooded (imagine 10,000 plus members online everyday) so its hard to hear your voice there.

Good day everybody!
hey there!

welcome to SOFT!!
share your knowledge here =D

u're female rite?
i expect something.

and remember to
Spiral Out! Keep Going!
Cloudsky said:
Good day sir! Who are your favourite drummers?
the list is long but i can shorten it.
Steve Gadd
Dennis Chambers
Carter Breuford
Jojo Mayer
Lewis Pregasam(our national hero more like Superman of drums)
John Thomas(our young and talented national hero. more like Superboy!)
theres more... but this is the short list.
i've posted in drum thread but i guess non drummers would like to see this as well...
heres my humble kit.... :wink:

You from Malaysia?.. Sweet
Same here I'm from Kedah, Alor Setar... Way Up there in Malaysia...
There are alot of Metal heads in my state and mostly Malays only..
The Chinese there just know how to play LAN all the time.. haha..

I came over to Singapore when I was younger though..
so not really in touch with ma roots heh heh..

Welcome Mate.. :wink:

the one that travelled the indian straits to share the wisdom of his music right here in SOFT,be quick before his holiness goes on another crusade on other forums!!