Intro : Juno


New member
a big hello to fellow softies...
after being in soft for quite some time..
i'm nw kinda at ease to intro myself...
better late then nvr lah...hehehe
something abt me...
hv been jamming in various bands since my sec sch days back in '87..
mostly singing...ever played keyboards,drums,percussions @ times...
but mostly itz being rite there in front with the mic in my hand... :)
very well-influenced by rock & heavy metal (all time favourite)
but since i'm exposed to other genres as well since i was a kid...
hv an open mind about music...
have played rock,metal,blues,pop,even traditionally influenced numbers as well...
ever being part of a few recordings...but hv yet to cut a full length one to call my own...that wud be the ultimate goal...
(hmmmm....hope my dream come true...)
currently just started playing again and trying to get back to me peak... long story liao...
anyways,feel free to share views with all the fellow softies in here...
hi echoist,
thanx bro!!
almost had it fulfilled some years back but maybe it was just not meant to be...
a little bit more info about myself...
will be 34 next year...
hv experienced a fair share of ups & downs performing...
both in a band and in a cultural group...
sang/singing for bands like
NPC-3(thanx to Ngee Ann Poly i met these gr8 guys...performed to a full house at NP known as the octagon...),
Blue Blood(we work the crowd during our WTC days...hell yeah...),
Tragic Comic (highlight was performing to a full crowd @ Kallang Theatre),
Colours(one of my humble beginnings..shocked the crowd @ Sentosa),
Marquee(project band...performed a few gigs n gt in2 the semis of a band comp @ europa east singing pop!!!),
Tri-Ryche(performed in front of J.Myung @ his bass cllinic prior to band alert finals @ HRC in 2000...),
Sapphire(semi-finalists of sbotb2005...),
Lost Element(current band...same line-up of sapphire sbotb2005 but using a diff name)
& also an unnamed band who used to jamm @ Seng Chye Jurong East(Zul,Hakim,Mamat,Zul,Azhar,Salleh,any others that i didnt mentioned?..i may 4gt ur names but i dun 4gt ur face and the gr8 times we went thru 2gthr)
more stories to share later...
rylche said:
hello there Juno! by any chance, do you play FF7? cos there's a city in it called Juno, lol.
izit??didn't know that...
nwys,me gt this nick since my sec sch days...
wasn't a computer person then...
Juno said:
bklk said:
Juno said:
Matno said:
Juno said:
Tri-Ryche(performed in front of J.Myung @ his bass cllinic prior to band alert
guess again...whoahahahaha

june..<--- possible spelling error.. *ex tri-ryche vox* :wink:

u clever lah...but me name w/o the 'e'.. hehehe

wus up jun...brandon here lar.... wats happening long time no action and all.. what happened..?

hakim and anis playing in tanjong pagar..together with jat ali and paul dass... catch up soon..!!

bklk said:
wus up jun...brandon here lar.... wats happening long time no action and all.. what happened..?

hakim and anis playing in tanjong pagar..together with jat ali and paul dass... catch up soon..!!


hey brandon..
me doin ok...
just started playing again recently after a long break...
hd the occasional jamming session with some frenz n @ open mic nites..
but recently just started playing in a band again...
i know about MOR...
met them at a gig last yr....
so hw u bro?still playing or not?
keep on rocking ya!!!
halo matno...
me?biasa je...
wah ko pun dah jadi bapak budak gak...hehehe
my daughter turning 2 nxt month..
aku baru2 nie baru start main balik ngan mazri lah...
tapi ngah hari raya break..
maybe nxt week baru start jamm balik...