intro : gabee

but i find most gems of not much interest. i cant seem to find any.
though i would love to enter the Psychology and counselling gems. but they have only 40 seats for the whole freaking school

that its like almost 1.2 seats per course. 8O
haha yeah! Drama is fun lah...the other gems I took were crap. Okay the one I'm in now ain't that bad but it could be a lot better I think. Am now in Love, Sex & Politics In Poetry, Music & Fiction.
haha YES fairuz is slackcore :lol: but she's cool. She convinced my class that she got stranded on some mountain in africa for two weeks and her group had to eat a dead person :evil: urgh. the very very first OC lesson. haha

hello SPian! I'm in DMC, year one. yes GEMS, haha its stressing me out I dont know what to choose!
yourgrandpa : Miss simone , she was awesome. i missed her. she was the only lecturer that left a big impression on me , in my first year in poly. :)

nic : Take drama appreciation ! you love it

strats : Take drama appreciation ! you love it

Miss simone will be in charge of the next drama gems and you guys will love her!
gabee: you guys call her Miss Simone??...haha...we just call her Simone :D but yeah she's definitely the best tutor I've had in this damn school.

nic1327: YES! she told my class that she used to be a man and went for a gender transplant, and that she was stranded on a mountain with some group and ate 2 of their members who died.
hahahah she told my class that Oral Communication was going to be how we interacted wtih the opposite sex and that it would be like a dating service and by the end of the sem we would have to go on a date and do a report or something :evil: hahaha BLUFF BACKSIDE lol almost all of us believed her!
strats : Ideas equals the lamest thing SP could ever came out with. :roll:

ideas is seriously meaningless . haha
Strats: have i seen you, or have you seen me? ahajlsdfhdfjldfdjdhj sorry :oops: heh.

WAIT WAIT what is IDEAS!?!? oh shoooooooot haha im so uninformed!
we've seen each other but you didn't know it was me :D

IDEAS? some stupid module. erm. create something that has never been created before.dunno.
uh uh uh i dont know about this IDEAs thing! haha damn. maybe i'm not involved lol. who are you! haha where did you see me tell tell :lol:
ideas is dumb, its a waste of time, and if you dont want a warning letter, den put the time to good use and sleep during the damn module :lol: