intro : AzNjT


New member
Sup Ya'll!!!! man i;ve been REALLLY active in these forums lately.. idunno man, i guess its cause i've got nothing else better to do???

im still trying to search for my Real likes in music... i dont have anything else to say cept' i had Some Mixed Veg rice for dinner and im Still really full..... GAH!!~

ohh and i'd like to Add Softies to MSN or yahoo, whichever you go, so Drop me a PM will ya... :D :arrow:
haha, you can try with:


I'd put music but you've already said you're not that sure what you really like, so..yeah.
Mixed Veg Rice = like those Chicken With Potatoes and some vegetables :)

My Name is Justin! So HI!!!~ haha

am 18, Almost, I;ve played for comin to 2 years (ithink) and i play thru a Ronald Cube 30, My First and olny pedal right now was bought was from rannking sports, its a TUbe OverDrive from Behringer....\

I have a Serious case of GAS, but i;ve never really bought "junk"

I started out Playing GreenDay, the REal Old stuff like, Waitng, Hitchin a Ride, Basket Case, F.O.D, welcome to paradise... from there i Moved pretty much to more of the same "punk" stuff, i never Really progressed cause i didnt think i could play the other kinda stuff..

From there i went into Metallica, BFMV, Children of Bodom, stuff that HAVE single notes instead of power Chords all the way, lol...

so yea, i wasted all that time Playing the stuff i liked and didnt advance till recently....

Bands I Love are:

My chem Romance
Bullet For my valentine

list goes on...

I feel that the "cool" (at least to me) guitarist really have a Major inflence towards my playing, trying to do the shit they do and stuff, but am striving towards my own style... I hope to 1 day be able to shred

HMm okies, ask me abooot anythin; u want,, guess thast it for now :wink:

PS: I REALLY HOPE I CAN BE EXPOSED TO THE EAL DEAL, Such as band Rehersals, GIgs, Jamming session and Such!! Nobody i Know plays an instrument or Plays For the Wrong reasons....

If u guys have msn Messenger or whatnot, drop me a pm of ur Email address.

C u guys ard the forums