Intro: automated time machine

Pathein, no worries man. You'r more than entitled to your opinion :) and thanks for taking the time to listen to our track in its entirety.

Hey Dan, thanks for the compliment! We also have you to thank for your kind generiosity with regards to providing the main platform for the guitar tones for our track. Hopefully once we've got more songs up we can look forward to doing gigs. :D
V interesting piece ized and et.

Normally as mentioned to ized, being a hard rock fan such experimental stuff would turn me off within the first few secs however this track had that mojo that made me stay in tune :)

Great work guys

Ps. Et wheres the j5 tele lol.
I like the break in the tempo (am I saying it right... sorry, got no music vocab to describe the right things). The bass also got my attention. I feel the bass could do with its own "solo" part somewhere, just to add more variation. Definitely hearing Linkin Park's Papercut there (nice!)

Overall, I liked it. If I were arranging the song, I'd cut out the one or two measures at the start. Cos it sounded draggy and repetitive for me -- then things picked up from the "Linkin Park" and the song got a lot more interesting. So I'd want the listener to get to that part within the first 30 or 40 secs.

Anyway, just my amateur views. You wanted honest, so I'm giving it to ya! Cheers.
Super_Potato: Haha, man I sold off the tele for another SG. Guess SG's my guitar, hah.

Ramblinglibrarian: Thanks for your honest opinion! Damn, it was shorten alot since the first draft of the song. Honestly, if one would listen to post rock, I wouldn't think they would find it draggy at all. Haha, glad you liked the linkin park part, even though we never did intend that.

Thanks for the opinions people, 2nd song should be recorded very soon. :D
haha ized, I know i've told you this in person but i really like this song.

The way the different parts at the start dont mix at all, i feel. contribute to the song.

The intro reminds me abit of EITS, yet with a unique touch. maybe because I don't recall EITS starting much with drums. but yeah.

it then blooms or explodes. or.... well rages (storm.. ) the sudden change is nice too.
Hey hey. I think the parts about a mood swing or change in atmosphere that were intended came off quite nicely. I have to say that the intro was my favourite part, really made me anticipate something epic. (i have to admit i was a tad disappointed).

One thing i noticed was that, this seemed to be like a song that was put together by taking parts from many other songs? There seems to be kind of a lack of fluidity between the parts, resulting in a very confused listener here. The underlying motif of the song seems to be there, but its lost on the listener after a while, so in a way it makes the piece less memorable. Slightly over-ambitious as well - for lack of a better phrase, not meaning anything bad, but i think you know what i mean?

Otherwise, good effort, hear lots of potential for even better days ahead. All the best with your songwriting! :D
ramblinglibrarian, thanks for the honest views and taking the time to listen to our first track. Our second track (yet to be recorded for now) will be more towards the point, do look out for that.

superpotato_30, thanks alot man! Its nice to know that our track has cross-genre appeal.

futures, I really do appreciate that you actually put in the effort to give your honest views and opinions as well as listen to our track in its entirety :) But well the track is meant to be disjointed, so i guess you being confused and lost means that our track has achieved its aim and purpose, and besides we can't please everyone :mrgreen: Its kinda ironic I know but its what we'r trying to achieve. And the best part is its all up to your interpretation. :D

Do look our our second track though (yet to be recorded) if you want something more towards the point and memorable. Meanwhile, have fun and keep listening to our concept piece...quite a few people have told me that it becomes more enjoyable cos it grows on them:)
I suppose if you'll be consistently making music like that then it'll become your band's trademark rather than a musical stigma!
hello there.
i agree with what a few others said on the different sections having no fluidity, it just comes out of nowhere like you guys just started playing a different song. the song's progression is lacking mainly because of this the way i see it.
also, the lead guitar tone really irks me haha. and IMO it stands out too much in the mix.
and personally, i don't like the song, it doesn't really demand my attention. to me it sounds like some guitarist is just jamming over a backing track. the melodies are abit weak too. there's also way too much tremelo picking for my liking haha.
but it's just the start so i'll look forward to hearing your next track

my 2cents
I guess so man....but well its just a start! much more to come :)

Hey man, thanks for taking the time to listen and for giving us your two cents worth of honesty. I'll just address some general comments that aren't just personal opinions:

1)Yes our intended purpose of the song was not supposed to demand your attention or have "fluidity" between sections. In direct contrast though the more disjointed the better. Thats the whole idea! Good for you if you didnt like it because of that cos at least I know our track has already achieved that intended effect on you. Everything else besides that is just a question of personal taste :)

2) As for the lead guitar tone which you commented on, Plastic already mentioned in the starting post that our song has YET TO BE MIXED. So these are still some of the minor issues we'd iron out during mixing and post-production. So there, i guess that remark was kinda redundant but thanks for pointing it out anyways, will keep that being said in mind.

Well and as for my response to your other comments which was more or less a matter of personal opinion, My take is that well at the end of the day we cant really please everyone, there'll be some who like it and some who don't. Its all cool and back to square one- different folks different strokes.

We'll just keep doing what we do best.. Thanks for listening once again everyone! :)
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Actually i'm fine with songs that have disjointed sections, it's just that the way it progressed didn't work for me. so i suppose it is my opinion.
As for it being unmixed, i'm sorry I didn't read the post properly so my bad!
It's alright! I'm really glad people took the time out to sit down and listen. 8 minutes is pretty long for one who usually don't listen to this type of music.

We'll be recording soon enough, so keep track!

hey guys thanks for listening to the track.. i know it must've been a lovelovelovelovelove having to spend 8 mins listening to it.. we're gonna be recording our 2nd and 3rd song soon so yeah we'll put it up once it's done.. as to the song sounding disjointed etc. that was the point i think.. but constructive criticism is always welcome so keep the comments coming yar?

Actually i'm fine with songs that have disjointed sections, it's just that the way it progressed didn't work for me. so i suppose it is my opinion.
As for it being unmixed, i'm sorry I didn't read the post properly so my bad!

Well no worries about it man. Everyone will have their own perception on what foie gras or fondue is good so to each its own. At the end of the day its our own musical style and approach which makes it unique after all, so i guess it really isnt a bad thing sticking to our guns!

Much more to come,
Have fun and stay automated.
Nice, I liked the 2nd rough track. Love the guitars and drums. Sounds kinda like Muse's Knights of Cydonia. (certain parts la) =)