Intro: alamsemu


New member

How are you all doing? I found this website just before the Rock On Singapore concert. My kudos to Mr. SOFT. Great website. Great forum. I hope to make some new friends here. :D Any Cream fans here btw?

yo n hi....... :wink:

welcum 2 the soft gang n have fun here....... :D

:drinkers: :partyman: :vom: :smt033 :smt030

hi alamsemu, welcome welcome!

how did you actually 'found' this website? from friends?
Hey afterdeath... mm scary name :) . Thanks for the welcome man!

Mr. SOFT., thanks also to you. Actually I was googling for a certain pedal called Tech 21 XXL (the single greatest overdrive pedal on earth btw), and I found your site. What a find!!

Still no Cream fans eh? :( Oh, well..