interesting news for ibanez 2011

Let's hope the RG350QMZ (the pretty one with the quilted maple top) isn't japan exclusive like the RG350QM...
some tidbits: seems like the edge 3 will be replaced by the edge zero II.

this isn't final. word is, the EZII will be equipped in the new Premium Series while the standard range still feature the EIII. untill all the international, american & japanese websites are fully updated, we won't know for sure. on a personal note, i'm beginning to dislike such ibanez news because there's so much revelation but not all will be offered in all markets *bummer*

some more models here for those interested:
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Just saw a 2011 brochure... there's only 1 guitar i'd like to have and that's the new Munky signature 7 string - alder body, sunburst finish, white pickguard, H-S config and with the original lo-pro edge 7.

The rest are... really... boring.
Just saw a 2011 brochure... there's only 1 guitar i'd like to have ...

unlike you bro, i've got none
you know how hard-core i am when it comes to ibanez but 2011's offerings... um ... don't appeal to me. it's a good thing for me actually. i can shift focus to ESP in the mean time.
unlike you bro, i've got none
you know how hard-core i am when it comes to ibanez but 2011's offerings... um ... don't appeal to me. it's a good thing for me actually. i can shift focus to ESP in the mean time.

Haha, damn that's exactly what i thought. ESP it is then.
heh... my impression of ibanez vs esp...

ibanez lots more variety of models available here compared to esp/ltd

For esp/ltd its a lot easier to obtain a replacement bridge if needed.

Anyway have been quite impressed with ibanez lately especially the lower end models ive tried from 08 onwards. Even
the rg or s 3xx series have very well made necks with excellent fret work. Of course the pickups could be better, but
its too much to expect great pick ups on low end models. Ive not tried enough esp /ltd models to comment.
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to me ibanez & ESP are beyond comparison, they are each dealing with differentiated market shares.

the entry level Ibanez are definitely impressive but the Wizard II neck does not possess the real Ibanez livery despite being attractive. however, my first guitar in 2011 will be an ibanez...
S5470Q WCB for me, always love the S model since the first time i pick it up and play but never had the money to own it. That's was 10+years ago.

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