you have much to learn padawan.
Singapore right now is facing many challenges from china and india. And one of the many pronged methods of combating this is to encourage foreign talents to stay in our country, but at the same time, it's a horrendous numbers game. Have you seen the IT industry? Some don't know function pointers from a ceiling fan. How about the local coffeeshops? It's all china chinese. They come here and they take our jobs. At the same time, business owners aren't complaining, they pay them pittance for these low level jobs. But with all massive immigration, there's going to be consequences - overcrowding, crime.
And really, do you believe everything in the newspaper? These past quarter growths are fueled by property price increases that are just buoyed by market sentiment thanks to these reports. There was a feeling of euphoric spending in all sectors, all of which i suspect is done to indirectly contribute to the sovereign wealth funds, and their buyout of companies during this ongoing global crunch. At the same time, while this is a great method of gaining traction in a global economy, it doesn't mean there's no risk involved, which is why minister pay increases to the tune of 61% is pure bullshit. It's a golden parachute for them and leaves nothing for the people, because if it goes all pear shape, guess where the money to fund all this came from? It's either a. more money got printed ( aka welcome to the world of inflation ) b. It's from taxes,cpf contribs, erp, etc. i.e. everywhere else.
And have you wondered why estate duty has been axed? Right, when the big numero uno kicks the bucket, no amount of setting up trusts, giving off gifts, is going to make it easier for the people to swallow when they see the amount of wealth accrued over the decades. The pill swallowed by one and all is not the same for other people.
So think about what it means to be a democracy. Can a one party democracy be a good thing? In a 2 party or more democracy, if policies are unpopular, the other party can veto it (though essentially iirc the president can do so for matters involving government reserves ). But there are no such safe guards in a single party system. And if you really think simply voting in a pap candidate is always the best option, think about the system in place that put them there, and ask yourself if there's a better way of doing things.
When lky is gone, there's going to be a big rift in the party, and i would like to see someone else not moulded by that machinery step forth and represent me.
BTW i have gone and seen first hand the transport systems of america and japan, and i can safely say: if that is your holiest of holy grail of an epitomic transport system, then we're really lucky you're not the transport minister.