In Each Hand A Cutlass - Glaciers (guitar cover)


New member

Hi all,

Did a quick cover of one of my favourite instrumental tracks by local post-metal / progressive rockers In Each Hand A Cutlass. This is just the first half of the song. Pardon the sloppy timing towards the end but I wanted to get it down in one take :)

Also my first video featuring the vintage Cort Steinberger I picked up recently. Hope you enjoy it!
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Haha, I can see why. Its a whole lotta work to overdub all the guitar parts.. Btw, nice score on the steinberger.. dont see that around much, how is it?
Really great guitar. I've always played single coils (teles, superstrats) so the vintage humbuckers are a big step. Definitely harder to articulate because I don't use a pick and rely on some high-end twang/spank. Very different voicing to me so it'll take some getting used to. Other than that, it's super easy to hold and play... and of course it's the lightest guitar ever to bring around. My only concern now is maintaining and possibly upgrading some of the parts which are really hard to find. First step is to change the zero fret to a special headpiece that'll allow me to use normal strings cos double ball end strings are practically twice the price!
Nice, good to hear its working well. Cool that'll be a practical mod.. I never got why 1 small metal ring/ ball can double the price haha.
Thanks! Gear was:
EHX Holy Stain > Pigtronix Philosopher's Tone > Danelectro Cool Cat Transparent OD v1 > Line 6 M9 > Korg LIM-1 Limiter

2x digital delay on the M9. Pretty standard rhythmic delay settings, dotted eight into quarter note. Also a light spring reverb on the M9.