importance of bass in a band?


New member
um, hello. well i formed a band, but my bassist decided to quit us coz he didnt really know us very well, i just msged him over the phone and well he agreed to play for us(i dont even know what he looks like!). im really a rookie at the whole band thing, we havent even started practicing together yet coz we just formed. but since my bassist left i haven't been able to find another. i need someone from my school, so i cant look for one around these forums. so i was thinking about this, and so im here to ask.

do we really need a bass player? can my band survive without a bassist?
truthfully, without bass, the music you're gona play will sound bland and pretty much dead. a guitar won't be able to produce the same sound a bass does. so i suggest you find a bassist. good luck on that btw
Why do people question the importance of a bass in a band and not start threads like "Is a guitarist important?" or "Why do i need a drummer?"

Are basses really so unsignificant in todays music context?
a guitar can play notes that are higher than a bass. a bass can play notes that are lower than a guitar. when a band employs both a guitar and a bass, you get a wider tonal range.

simple analogy; a pianist uses his right and left hands to play a song. what happens if the pianist only uses his right hand to play? wouldn't you agree that a piano played with both hands would sound better than one which is played one handed?

on top of this, a bass has one other role due to the physical limitations of the instrument: it can determine the beat of a song. when a bassist plays in time with a drummer, it makes the beat much more enjoyable. this is called 'locking' with the drummer
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A bassist is important. Without it, your music will be lack the umph and fullness to it. That's my opinion. Sometimes a drummer needs a bassist to keep the tempo of a song.

A bassist is important. Good luck with your search! :)
Bass, can hear the Bassy sound, the background for guitar

Drums is like important, no drums, the music become boring already, unless its a ballad/acoustic song.
well it actually depends on the type your music you play. think the white stripes, the most popular band which doesn't use bass in their music.
how about the yeah yeah yeahs? white stripes yeah. it all depends what you want to achieve yeah.

yeah. yeah. s.
A bassist is important. Without it, your music will be lack the umph and fullness to it. That's my opinion. Sometimes a drummer needs a bassist to keep the tempo of a song.

A bassist is important. Good luck with your search! :)

Sorry, but you sir are wrong.

Drummers do not require a bassist to keep the tempo of the song.

We, however, work in tandem to keep the tempo of the song.

And yes, every single instrumentalist is crucial to how good the band sounds.
^I suspect I would have wet dreams of Karen O tonight.. Oh yummy..

Imo, all these 'sonic space-filling' and 'wider tonal spectrum' that the bass gives is pretty much nonsense. Kick the bass player out, add a baritone player!! :D
good luck on that. lol. i can never mix sex with music. unless it's having triphop music playing while doing it with someone. lol.

Woah super scandalous pose. I wonder what she was doing prior to that picture being taken. I freaking love her hair lah!!

But on a serious note, ahem, I find 'Way Out' one of the most danceable tunes of all time!
and maps is the song that says nothing and everything at the same time

"maaaa aaaaaa aaaaaaa aaaaaaps wait, they don't love you like i love you"