importance of bass in a band?

Take note of this TS.
Guitar notes are like cereal puffs. The drums is the table. You need a bowl to have a good breakfast. The bass is the bowl.
there are bands out there that are pretty awesome even without a bass player,

but that will take something special to pull off.
sigh, i wish i could find a bass player too, but i think it ain't gonna happen anytime soon. would it be wise to skip on lead guitar and have him play bass instead? i have a keyboardist.. or could i get the keyboardist to play bass sounds
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i'm a bassist myself, but sometimes i can't help but wonder just how important a bassist really is in a death metal band. (note: death metal is my favourite genre)

cause the thing is, in most, if not all death metal songs, no matter how hard i listen or no matter how loud i crank the volume, i just can't hear the bass.

on a good day, sometimes i'll just 'feel' the bass somewhere in the background of the song..
you can turn up the bass of a guitar, but thats not the same as having a bass in a band

like for the white stripes, you can just use something called the digitech whammy. then you will just be playing the exact same riffs as the guitar, an octave lower

it's not just about having LOW FREQUENCIES in a song, it's about having a bass LINE.

for all the examples of bands without bass, it is clearly a limitation rather than a preference. can you imagine the red hot chili peppers, U2 or even green day without the bass?

furthermore, alot of bands actually track the bass on record. it's the same as how a 3 or 4 piece can have a second guitar and keyboard on their records

music will not automatically become better because of the presence of a bass. a bassist could be totally useless if it doesnt add anything other to a band than low frequencies. the same can be said about a 2nd guitarist

can a band survive without a drummer? have u heard "to be with you" by mr big?
that is called a preference. but do you think they could go without a drummer? it's a different question
lets just say that band members compliment each other
and no particular instrument is better than the other
a band must be together to be really good

regardless,everyone play a certain role

just my humble opinion
i'm a bassist myself, but sometimes i can't help but wonder just how important a bassist really is in a death metal band. (note: death metal is my favourite genre)

cause the thing is, in most, if not all death metal songs, no matter how hard i listen or no matter how loud i crank the volume, i just can't hear the bass.

on a good day, sometimes i'll just 'feel' the bass somewhere in the background of the song..

LOL dun take it out on the poor bass and question its importance, that's nothing to do with the bass, it's the overall sound balance of the band