Hmm playing guitar machiam playing MMORPG. You will die lose XP and u sian, cause so darn hard to level. then u stop there. if not, u fight low XP monsters (playing same songs) which will MAYBE make u better but will take u a longggggg time.
MMORPG reflects a lot on life. HURHUR but anyway. im stuck as well. just gotta force yourself to learn stuffs. ok we put it this way, playing music is not about, attaining to a level to impress or like if u shred, u power. but its about having fun.
dont learn those things u will not enjoy or have fun with one. like very jialat, will take even slower. just learn those songs u hear on radio then u find it nice, or any mp3s u have. whack, learn, then keep playing, until sian, move to another song. and on and on and onnnnnnnn