if i brutally retaliate against a snatch theif ...

first of all, if malaysia is so dangerous and evil maybe yall shouldn go there and stay in your nice safe and totally fun hdb flats or play on the mrt

but if you insist on torturing yourself and going to malaysia and getting robbed and then beating up the robber then i dont think you'll get into any trouble la. malaysians and their police have no love of the snatch thieves either so if they catch them they prob beat them to death anyways so you're doing them a favor

are you like batman in batman begins? fresh out of ns. want to beat ppl up. go to some back alley with lotsa shady characters and use yourself as bait? very noble. like a vigilante thing. keep up the good work
depends la... if u beat him out of 'self defense' to protect urself/property then ok la...
but after beating, the guy like lay down half dead and u still carry on beating, then tats a diff story.

wateva it is... beat first, talk later
If he's aggressive and tried to harm you then its justified but if he didn't use force at all and you beat him to a pulp, then you can share the same cell as him.
Well, he deserves to. I mean, who wants to rape their own daughter? That's sick on many different levels.
there are alot of druggies and crackheads even in singapore.. which goes to show that once a human being loses his mind, he becomes no different from an animal

but there is no black and white in this world. sometimes there isn't even a right or wrong.

in the words of the wise Gandalf The Grey:

Frodo Baggins, on Smeagol:
Now at any rate he is as bad as an Orc, and just an enemy. He deserves death.
Deserves it! I daresay he does. Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise cannot see all ends.
i believe you are covered up till the point at which the thief is incapacitated. if you continue after that, for example if he drops whatever he stoles and begs for mercy and you break his neck, you can and will be charged.
i believe you are covered up till the point at which the thief is incapacitated. if you continue after that, for example if he drops whatever he stoles and begs for mercy and you break his neck, you can and will be charged.

but what if hes lying, the could backstab us.
I go lothar liao..

Haha.. Dude.. I don't know if I'd retaliate.. Conditions in Singapore is worsening.. What more in Malaysia man?

These idiots nowadays carry parangs, pistols, and a whole lot of bravery(=stupidity) with em around.. :???: