Ibanez Thermion


New member
Saw it at SL bras basah the other day and was quite taken by it. went back to load the webbie and heard the sound samples and now i am really tempted to get it. anyone knows or heard anything about this amp? or knows the price? harmony central has only 2 reviews, seems its a brand new thang...good reviews but only for the head, seems the cabs not as good...?
niways, would appreciate any feedback/thots u guys might have. thks!
eh..relak man ... keep the sacarsm to yourself.
im sure you mean 120watts is really overkill for home use.

5000watts... all tube also like that.
fibredrive like + got money = no problem.
ciel21 said:
its 120watts. You play big venues all the time?

just because you play at home does not mean you cannot get an amp for the TONE you want, not the VOLUME, which is secondary. There are other ways to solve the volume problem. The same cant be said for tone.

In case you havent noticed, "most" of the good sounding amps come in big wattages. Does it mean that by playing at home, we should not consider them, and therefore compromise on the tone that we want?

To reiterate my point, tone is primary and is something particular to an amp, regardless of how many watts it carries. The volume problem is secondary, and can be taken care of in other ways.
gargamelesp said:
ciel21 said:
its 120watts. You play big venues all the time?

just because you play at home does not mean you cannot get an amp for the TONE you want, not the VOLUME, which is secondary. There are other ways to solve the volume problem. The same cant be said for tone.

In case you havent noticed, "most" of the good sounding amps come in big wattages. Does it mean that by playing at home, we should not consider them, and therefore compromise on the tone that we want?

To reiterate my point, tone is primary and is something particular to an amp, regardless of how many watts it carries. The volume problem is secondary, and can be taken care of in other ways.

+1, i'm using a 100watter at home... :roll:
ChanMin said:
eh..relak man ... keep the sacarsm to yourself.
im sure you mean 120watts is really overkill for home use.

5000watts... all tube also like that.
fibredrive like + got money = no problem.

ehhh relax. i apologize. but thn 120watt ay home can barely turn up to 1, the tubes not really running you dun really hear that kinda tone mah. Use a attenuator to lower volume while cranking is can but ur speakers not moving the air man not as shiok. Smaller amp combo is better la. Must see the use man. Hey i never ask u to compromise tone, but by buying a 120watt amp and not able to push it properly ur compromisnig your own tone. no offense to no one.

Just chill, i apologize to fibre if i offended him, sorry dude.

ok subs made his point, i totally apologize, i'll just stick to my 30 watter.

chanmin i totallt agree with you on the I LIKE PLUS I GOT MONEY! i is totally heart that comment. :) im totally Gassing for a matchless but i no money. :x
i'm not against anyone either- just indirectly encouraging players to check out whatever they wanna, even if it's beyond conventions.

hopefully, they will come up with a subsequent wattage variable version in time to come. hopefully...
hey all, thks for the replies. no probs ciel21. point noted. didn't really think abt overkill, but like chanmin says, i like la... keke. money whether have or not depends on the price liaoz. they selling it for USD$1000++ so hopefully the head alone is $2k or less.
anyways, the sound clips sound shiok if thats anything to go by. i heard the ENGL sound clips as well, also shiok. but that one sure cannot afford. will call SL and check out the price.
if you guys have anything else to recommend, would love to hear it too. peavey a good alternative? played the jsx before seemed ok.
am going Hong Kong in june, think there might be better deals there? maybe smaller tube amps etc?
heya sub, whatcha playin now?
no probs, i like the orange amps, 1.2kUSD for a 30 watt head. much better amps than ibanez, Vox AC30cc amps go for ard 1.2ksgd. As you can see i like the more vintagy sounds. heheh try orange in hong kong you might like them.
hey bro 8)

i'm still very happy with my Peavey XXL to be embracing anything else + my little ValBee keeps surprising me with the various drive pedals i hook up to it.

the JSX IMO is a very good amp, beyond 'ok' definitely.

getting ready to add a Jap Fender to my arsenal...
Hello! I think that generally the misconception is that ANY cranked low wattage tube amp will sound better than ANY high wattage tube amp played at volume 1.

Again, because tone is oh so subjective, different people might prefer different things. However, i do agree with you that its a pity, to be pushing a 100w amp at 1 at home, but if you like what you hear at that volume, i guess its your choice. How we wish we had wemby stadiums to play to, not like anyone would attend anyway :wink:

Anyway, if you are looking for amp heads around the 2k region, i think that the options in Singapore are pretty limited. Personally, i think the Dsl50 or the Tsl60 is a decent choice if you are after rock tones. On the high gain side, i prefer the peavey XXX, the Jsx does pretty well too!

Have you considered what cab to get? I think that it plays an important part too. The options for small cabs in Singapore are close to nil. I waited 4 months for my Marshall 2x12
ciel21 said:
chanmin i totallt agree with you on the I LIKE PLUS I GOT MONEY! i is totally heart that comment. :) im totally Gassing for a matchless but i no money. :x

matchless.. is erm... *cough* .. * gaG*

well , my current amp fever is over the Fender 65 deluxe reverb reissue... haizz.. when the hell is swee lee gonna bring in... if not need to wait till june... for my relatives to bring over from u.s... argh.
Becareful of the DSL401s. They have a serious heat issue. Im not excgerating on this. i cant spell.... anyway theres no cooling fan on it and it runs damn hot, the tube sockets are mounted on the pcb and with that comes a whole truckload of probs the heat kill the solder on the joints and can cause alot of problems. First thing most ppl do is to install a fan at the back heh or just stay away from that amp, but its a pity that i heard that amp is pretty good.
it depends also whether you play clean exclusively or you distort. if you like power amp distortion, etc.

chanmin - interested in a "booteek" Fender Deluxe Inspired amp? PM me if you are.

mebbe i should go try the JSX again..hmm. the xxx was decently priced if i remember correctly. but think stock also limited. anyways, am thinking of changing to tube amps + pedals instead of multi fx. aiyah backside itchy...keke.
haven't really thought about cabs but was thinking 2 x 12. sounds like its tough to get locally. shucks.
someone's selling cornford and budda amps on luther. but think its gonna be off my budget by a mile...
anyways, thanks for all the advice folks. keep em coming if u got more to share. cheers
i recall that there's a Softie using the Peavey XXX, hope he has comments to share here.

i kinda agree that these megawatt heads are abit overkill for home use (especially for HDB dwellers). although the tone may be fantastic, it might likely be an underused purchase since you cant always play at the high volumes required to get that tone. if you really do invest in such a monster of an amp, i hope you get to play out once in a while at least. really quite a pity if you cant maximise its full potential (i.e. power amp distortion).

i've been toying with that same idea as you, fibredrive - tube amps. but after much thinking, i still cant quite justify the high costs involved (yet).
hey MrE - yep, cost is quite the factor for me too. thash why i thought the ibanez might be the cheaper alternative. but dunno yet, cos SL hasn't priced it yet. the other way was to consider the Mesa F series but non-availability and cost is the deterent here. plus i dunno how it sounds..
will do some more window shopping and research before i decide i guess. anyways, all things are with more spirit chased than enjoyed...hehe.

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